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My friends tell me I have a big heart. There's lots of space for my kid, kind people, trees, birds, flowers, oceans, music, art and all the little details in life.
I take in everything without filters. It's intense. Sometimes I'm high up in the sky and my heart is dancing, then I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and I can't breathe.

My values matter more to me than social status and I lack the ability to endure cognitive dissonance.

No space left. Read my pinned messages.



You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here. But I'll likely direct you to someone else.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro | activist

Admin of this GoToSocial instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:

Profile picture shows moanos, a white guy with blond hair, in front of some trees and bushes. He wears a red shirt and suspenders


playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS - #notjustsad
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn he/him

| no fascism | no racism | #nobot