Anthony Johnson :skull:

Open on

Cofounder at Read the Docs. Now residing in the inland NW. Generally rather jazzed about free software. He/him.

Expect cursing about software.


Michael Schurter

HashiCorp Nomad Team Lead

pdx dad + biker + sometimes rock climber


Josh Simmons

A wild philosopher appears! Booster for the commons. Community is my practice 🌱 Painfully earnest. Technicolor geek. Committed to being a good ancestor.

he/they 🏳️‍🌈 bi+disabled 🦓 in <3 w/ @chrisjrn

Managing Director of @matrix :matrix: VP Petaluma Pride :pride: Former President of @osi :osi:

#OpenSource #CripTheVote #TransRights #BlackLivesMatter #LandBack #Cats #Nature #AVGeek #SolarPunk #HopePunk #1U

Laura E. Hall

🔍 Puzzles, mysteries, adventures

📚 PLANNING YOUR ESCAPE @ Simon & Schuster, 
KATAMARI DAMACY @ Boss Fight Books

❤️ Narrative games, #Puzzles, #Immersive, #ARGs, #Unfiction, #AltGames, IF, #ExperienceDesign, Ephemera #Storytelling, #WorldBuilding, #NarrativeDesign, #Cats, #Writer, #IndieGames, Installation Art, Site-Specific Theater, #EscapeRooms, #Folklore, #Solarpunk, #FolkHorror, #Film, #Movies, #Phantasmagoria, #tfr

💖 They/she

Michael Schurter

HashiCorp Nomad Team Lead

pdx dad + cyclist + sometimes rock climber
ex- but aspiring chicken rancher


Jannis Leidel 💙💛🐍📦🚲

Staff software engineer working on #conda and friends at #Anaconda.
#PSF director & fellow.

#conda-forge core and #conda steering council member.

Cofounded #PyPA and #Jazzband a while ago.

#mozilla data tools, #MDN & #Django alum.


El Combo