Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Mitübersetzer von ALRIK: Rollozock, so mit Abenteuern und Labyrinthen wie in den 70er und 80ern.

Co-conspirator of ALRIK: The German OSRIC translation

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​

Space Alien Cat / Technological Archaeologist


Progress, models, institutions, technology, limits, values. Interactions thereof.


Commas: Oxford


Soil, ecology, low-input farming, feminism, material history, math, programming, literature of the long nineteenth, waltz, polka, leavened bread. Seattle and parts northwest.

Johannes Ernst

Founder, Dazzle. We take back our personal data from the big platform overlords.

Co-organizer, FediForum, an unconference that aims to bring the people together who move the Fediverse forward.

Technologist, entrepreneur, cat herder. Amateur hydroponics guy. Ex-foster parent. Ex-musician. Owns -- and uses -- too many Raspberry Pi's.

He/him. tfr

The_Gibson :veilid:

Hacker, infosec, APT3319

Working on Veilid.

Reigning EFF Tech Trivia Champion

Mayor of

A meat serf in a digital cropsharing arrangement.

A netizen of New Cyberia.

he/him they/them

Boosts do not equal endorsement.

H. Montgomery

PhD candidate in ethnomusicology at UT Austin. Currently writing about sound, experimental music, and urban change in Austin, Texas.

Previously: @h

#soundstudies #music #urbanism #ethnography #anthropology #ethnomusicology

Eric Feldhusen

The Lazy Fox

STEM, Music, Hiking, Diy, Audio, Nature, Podcasts, Guitar, Blues

Jeremy Foote 🦶

Assistant professor of Communication at Purdue University. I mostly study online communities using computational methods, including trace data, agent-based modeling, and network analysis.

Member of the Community Data Science Collective (

PresGas - RPG and Left Nerd

#folkdnd #RPG gamer interested in #OSRIC #DnD #1e #2e.

#FLOSS advocate and #sysadmin. Interested in horizontal organization, collaboration and biking.

Bad Diode

Programmer & musician. Working on retro-computing projects, compilers and minimalist tools and toys.


science/work-oriented alt of @jonny

Digital infrastructuralist trying to build a cooperative internet. social/technological systems & systems neuro with some light dynamical systems & crush on topology on the side.

writin bout the surveillance state n makin some p2p

information is political, science is labor