Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



Here to make friends and be part of a community. Currently on a journey to live, learn, and find authentic myself.

40-something, bisexual :bi_flag:, married, dad to 2 daughters, neurodiverse, optimist. Personally I love sci-fi, tech, futurism, cycling, and strength training. Professionally I love my work to make better strategies and decisions using data.

I mostly post about adventures in daily life and fitness. Occasionally I geek out about tech, code, and privacy. Rarely NSFW.


Lesser Abe

I like to think about universal healthcare, shelter for all, food security, free higher education and a safe environment.

Willem Atsma

Adventurer nerd. Total engineering. Do good.

Banner image is from @vancew!


Voted Best Psychic Of 2026

Non-practicing intellectual

Certified freak, seven days a week.



Hi, I'm Charles Childers.

I develop RetroForth, Konilo, small virtual machines, and a variety of small, personal computing tools. When not programming, I enjoy tea, reading books, riding a bicycle, and cooking.

Paul W. Rankin

Screenwriter, video artist and hobbyist programmer. I maintain several Emacs packages for writers.

Lucifer Dying

creative god mum (mother to a 狆) . I am bad at this and that is okay. If you try and follow me with no bio or posts that i can read, please try harder

If you love vim I will hurt your feelings

profile photo was michi from osama tezuka’s “metropolis” waking up surprised after her “perfect gender change”

No reproduction of content herein without written permission and final approval of context

Les capsules du prof Lutz

(pata)physicien technophile apostat enseignant; cut and paste programmer; papa trois fois; activiste violoncelliste ébéniste #Qc #AtomicSynchronator #timecode #Drummondville #ClimatePurge


⠴PicNoir⠦ (was Ninjatrappeur)

Rural Hacker, he/him

Free Software/NixOS/Guix/Haskell/Rust/C | Cycling/Bird Spotting/Music/Trains

Boost != Endorsement