Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



Paul Rohr

Dad, startup guy. Ideas matter. Data matters. It's about we, not me.

Jonas Winje

Tassilo Horn

Free software hacker, Emacs addict, hobbyist beekeeper, and chicken farmer


Aspiring solarpunk living in Toronto, open source software developer. Learning what I want and how to live it.




✨ 1960s-70s, music, movies, counterculture, veganism, classic books, free software, DIY, Japan, Greece, Ancient Mediterranean.

“This isn’t even my final form”

Expect unsolicited music recs and random posts. Mostly in English, sometimes in Spanish. 🎩

[Re: Following]
• I accept/decline follow requests a bit randomly, don’t be mad. 🙇
• Sorry if I don’t follow back, I just need my timeline to be light. 🙇
• Zero/minimal interaction may result in being kicked and/or unfollowed. 🤷‍


I am exhausted from faking being normal for half a century, so I'm trying to stop and be the best me I can be. Danish. He/him.

air fried chip butty

Applied speculative social history of the future

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦

Coffee drinker, reader, geocacher, widow, pen pal,
Late husband described me as amalgam of Uma Thurman and Crow T. Robot.
SDF is a community platform for inspiring, facilitating and implementing new ideas.
SDF member since Nov 28 2014. Made from stars, headed for dust. Cinephile de "film mute" #nobot #noindex #nofoĺlow

Verse Nihilist

Just an engineer with diverse interests: #transportation, #sustainability, #cities, #SocialJustice, #music, #OpenSource, and #gay stuff...
Male, 33.


follow requests welcome, but please have a posting history and profile i can check out, be someone i know, or message me saying hi first.

if you paste unsolicited chatbot spam at me, i will block you.


in favor of soup.

computer unenthusiast.

extremely normcore by the standards of the extremely weird company i keep.
