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My secondary account is: (still active)

Solutions Architect by day, lazy #coder and #devops at night…
Love #opensource and minimalist tools. I mainly use #TUI software with #i3wm. #vim and #emacs / #orgmode user. Favorite distros are #archlinux and #debian. Happy owner of a laptop.
Big fan of the #gemini space!

Gemini Capsule: gemini://
Git Repos:

I speak (more or less correctly) English and French.
I often add/remove people trying to keep a home timeline bearable, don't take it personally :)


Santiago Lema :amiga:

:xcode: iOS app developer at :smalltech: with interests in:

- :procreate: arts
- :amiga: :apple_inc: :commodore: retro computing
- :homeassistant: home automation
- :rpi: :arduino: RaspberryPi & small electronics

Usually somewhere between Rio de Janeiro and Switzerland.

Filiado a ala Suíça 🇨🇭 da Ursal 🐻
or as some say :fcknzs:.

Languages ✍️ : FR 🇫🇷, PT 🇧🇷, ES 🇪🇸, EN 🇬🇧

I am / was @blackjack75 on :deadbirb: Twitter


Full Stack web developer and Fedora Linux and Doom Emacs user


Hello there, I'm Satch!

I'm a homeschooled high school student who has been in college for over three years. I live at The Benson Place Blueberry Farm and I love it here.

tyjak ⏚

EN: terrestrian in living mode, solorian in dead mode
FR: terrestre en mode vivant, solaire en mode mort

Image de profil: photo d’une vielle fenêtre baignée d’une belle lumière ensoleillée d’hiver à travers laquelle on devine le ciel bleu et quelques verdures depuis l’intérieur d’une chambre dont on perçois un bout de lit et de drap. 
Image d’en tête: vue rapprochée sur des éléments posés dont un thermomètre et la partie en verre bleutée d’une vielle lampe à pétrole.



Emmanuel Wald

Father and husband. Trainee pastor in Alsace, France, in a united Protestant church (@com_uepal). PhD in Protestant theology and history of medieval Christianity. Urban cyclist. French (and soon Luxembourgian too).

Toot about #religion(s), #theology, #ethics, #society, #ecology, #FLOSS and #Linux, #TTRPG s & #DnD, #Smolnet, … mostly in #French, but also occasionally in #English and #Esperanto (and, I hope, soon in #Norwegian too).

Against racism, homophobia, transphobia, chauvinism, …

Jorge Sanz

I call myself a Geospatial Enthusiast 😊 I'm a cartography and geodesy engineer from València, Spain. Also a partner and a dad of a 2yo kid.

I've worked professionally on GIS and IT since 2004. Nowadays, I'm an engineer in the Kibana team at Elastic.

Posts are (mostly) deleted after a week.

#maps #openstreetmap #OSM #geospatial #osgeo #cartography #foss4g #dataviz #opensource #openData #smallWeb #indieWeb #Valencia #spain #fedi23

Velocipede Rider

I commute via :unicycle:, 🛴, "halfbike" or :penny_farthing: because they are great fun! But I love all types of cycles.

I also like minimalist tech: non-smartphones, old school digital watches, Slackware, Gemini/Gopher.

I feel very strongly that if you use a "free service" and enjoy it you should donate to its up keep.

Pronouns: He/him/his

P.S. I work for @Vivaldi

#cycling #unicycle #unicyclist #PennyFathing #Halfbike #fedi22 #VivaldiBrowser searchable

Martin Marot-Perz 💙💛

Father of three, Engineer, Hobby-Philosopher, soft-washed Atheist, living in Austria, …


I like to call myself a Geospatial Enthusiast 😊 I'm a cartography and geodesy engineer from València, Spain. Also a partner and a dad of a 2yo kid.

I've worked professionally on GIS and software engineering since 2004. Nowadays, I'm an engineer in the Kibana team at Elastic.

Posts are deleted after ten days.

#maps #openstreetmap #OSM #geospatial #osgeo #cartography #foss4g #dataviz #opensource #opendata #Valencia #spain #fedi22

флф_вгву :verified_flashing:

смузихлёб since 1990
неосилятор since
Хаскель-евангелист, если хотите поговорить о вечном, чистом, функциональном - тегайте меня


Educator, trainer, physicist, engineer, parent. Interested in family, country walks, good books. Not interested in 'gritty' TV shows, as I was born in gritty times, and I've seen enough.

I remember the 1980s, and Sinclair ZX81s before they became museum pieces.

"We wunt be druv."