Rebeka Catalina

Open on

Sysadmin and free software enthusiast - living in Berlin. Transwoman, who loves streetboarding. Passionate opensource-gardener.
If you want to follow me and we don't know each other: follow my alt. account on

I don't like skating: I love it <3

#HSP #introverted #AKF
Pronouns: she/her

Be kind to the planet <3



Currently this is a test account. I'm testing a self-hosted Mastodon instance via Yunohost. Eventually I will move here, but my main account will stay @mischk for now.

Momentan ist das ein Test-Account. Ich teste eine über Yunohost selbstgehostete Mastodon-Instanz. Eventuell ziehe ich hierhin um, aber mein Hauptaccount bleibt erstmal @mischk.


Just a curious mind. Gopher is dead.
#Running #MountainBike #RoadBike #RideOn ☮️ 🚵


natur :seedling: Anti-civ Primitivist :ecoanarchism_heart: | Wandern | introvertiert | Depression | social anxiety | Straight Edge | Öko | hab immer ein Buch dabei :blobcatreading: | :bisexual_flag: | Genderfluid Alien :alien: | older Millennial | Alle Pronomen | weiss #noRacism

Never shuts up about Placebo



Creative technologist or something like that.

Video games and interactive things, programming, privacy, (making) music and (intersectional) feminism.

🏳️‍🌈 non-binary bisexual weirdo. she/they. white and able-bodied.

Based in Berlin 🥙

Black lives matter!
Trans rights are human rights!
Sex work is real work!

In Germany we say "links-grün versifft" and I think that's beautiful.


Organizing Rust 🦀 in Arts 🎨


#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.

Rebeka Catalina

Transwoman - very much interested in UNIX-like OSs, terminal/cli/security stuff, free software - (queer-)feminism, veganism. A passionate streetboarder.

#nobot - #norec - #noindex

(norec = no-recommend: please don't recommend my profile to follow)

Tend to be positive, but rant from time to time.

#berlin #gentoo #freebsd #archlinux #OpensourceSeeds #tea #HSP #introverted #streetboard #OpenSourceGardens #Haeckse #NettleFanGirl

I don't like skating - I love it <3


Falko (Skarabäus Lampe amb.)

The glass is half full 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇩🇪🇺🇳🏳️‍🌈
I'm supporting trans & transgender rights! Mostly nerdy content about computers, #Uckermark, 3D Printing and stuff. All content is my personal opinion.
Warning: I'm not using Content Warnings (CW) consistently!
#fedi22 #3Dprint #3Dprinting #3Ddruck #tootfinder #fckptn #СлаваУкраїні #SlavaUkraini

Administrator of


fedizen since

foss nature photography books music anticapitalism lgbqt+

i toot in English and Greek


Peppermint Patty

Introvert who does like humans, but doesn't always know how to interact with them. Does really like a good story or photo or music. Having a love-hate-relationship to politics. Likes cats, but loves dogs. Will mainly post in English, but sometimes in German too
All pictures by me

Becca Reese

"we are the granddaughters of the witches you weren't able to burn."

- unknown author