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Film & digital #photographer, mediocre #bass player, grower of rare #plants, interested in #botany & #nature, pro-level procrastinator.

Professionally involved in financial services & capital markets #regulation & #compliance. Brexiled, now in Frankfurt.

GoToSocial test account. Posts DE/EN.


Shaula Walko

She/her. Writer of sheet music, player of steel pan. Mom of two adult children, cohabitant with my guy for over 30 years, private butler to two medium sized dogs. Fan of libraries, museums, coffee shops. Pro-union.

I try to boost and follow as much as I can.

Profile picture description: a photo of a me with long gray-brown hair and a big smile. I'm wearing a black V-neck bodysuit. There is a blue sky with a Mexican Fan palm tree in the background on my right and visible sunshine on my left.

the roamer

University teacher, father, dog walker. A European in England. Posting on #UKpolitics, #covid, #pedagogy, #taoism, #literature, #photography. Kindness will prevail.

Many of my posts try to make sense of the way we interact here; often tagged as #MastodonCulture.

Occasional micro-observations on life with my #whippet are tagged as #whippet_moments.

Most of my comments come up in conversations. Please look at my "Posts and Replies" rather than "Posts".


Film & digital #photographer, mediocre #bass player, grower of rare #plants, interested in #botany & #nature, pro-level procrastinator.

Professionally involved in financial services & capital markets #regulation & #compliance. Brexiled, now in Frankfurt. Toots DE/EN.


Disappointed but not surprised.

Ich hätte gerne meine Ruhe.

Macht Sozialklimbim in der #fedikita


Mike Whiskey - Fotologbuch

Ich bin Fotograf, Musiker, Ingenieur und schreibe gern.

Meine Pronomen sind mir nicht Wichtig, dafür aber deine!

Was gar nicht geht sind Querdenker, Nazis, Homophobie, Rassismus, Antifeminismus, Antisemitismus.

Ich interessiere mich für Nachhaltigkeit, Kommunikation, Datenschutz, Open Source, Tierschutz, Naturschutz, Menschenrechte und Katzen 😸

Vegan 🌱 since 2014

No image description -> no boost

Beiträge werden nach 1 Monat gelöscht

#darktable #Fotoblog #Phips #Sammy #NotJustSad


🚹 mid-aged guy, 🇩🇪 🇪🇺
🔨 Ex IT Network & Server Admin
⚛️ Team Science
🌀 #Klimakatastrophe passiert jetzt!
🏦 Kapitalismusskeptiker
💰 #taxtherich
🌱 Vegetarier
🫗 Anti-Alkoholiker
🚬 Nichtraucher
🔆 #Solar & #Windkraft
🔌 #HomeAssistant - Energy Management
#RaspberryPi - Low Energy Computing

🔃 Booste nur von Followern!


Art & music


Tech News 24h

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Welcome to Tech News 24h, your go-to source for the latest technology news and updates from around the world. Our website is dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date and informative news on all things tech, including gadgets, software, hardware, mobile devices, gaming, and much more.

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Komische Alte, macht was mit Sprachen, Autos und Menschen. Liebt Bücher, Museen, Flamenco und das Meer. Flucht von Herzen gern, kunstreich und gewissenhaft. #noAfd #TransRightsAreHumanRights


Also dog friend, fedinerd, photographer, musician, plant & nature obsessed and lawyer type.



Manchmal miserable Wortwitze, Fan der Mannschaft, die zu oft Meister wird, Bass, Jazz'n Blues, Open Source & lots of numbers.
An der Lahn. Manchmal auch darauf.