d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


Alison Gerber @Gerber@sciences.social

Sociologist / culture, science, & public life / The Work of Art: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=26885

Mai Ciolfi @mai@hci.social

Assistant Professor in Interaction Design at KTH.
Feminisms, HCI, critical computing, AI. She/Her. Latin American.

Occupy Nederland @OccupyNederland@mstdn.social

Op 15 oktober 2011 zijn er in heel Nederland uit solidariteit met #OccupyWallstreet kampen opgezet.

Avatar: zwart-wit tekeningetje van ijverig tikkend persoon achter een typemachine.

Header: Doorbraak spandoek: "Sloop de muren van Fort Europa." (Doorbraak.eu)

Domaine Public ASBL @domainepublic@hostux.social

Aldo de Moor @ademoor@mastodon.social

PhD, owner CommunitySense - for working communities; idea whisperer, process weaver, collaboration cartographer; unlocking Internet power for social change

Howard Rheingold @hrheingold@mastodon.social

Mostly complete digital works at http://rheingold.com and https://patreon.com/howardrheingold -- I wrote books about tools for thought, virtual communities, virtual reality, smart mobs, taught classes at UC Berkeley & Stanford on digital journalism, social media issues, social media literacies. Now I make art. I'm interested in all of the above & like to follow knowledgeable ppl about current events, science, humor, community. #technology #onlinecommunities #art #socialmedia #learning #edutech

Doug is riding the mastodon! @dougschuler@hci.social

My updated but still temporary profile...

Have we entered the Cybercene Epoch where changes in earth systems are primarily caused by the Cyberplex, the entire socio-technological digital assembly, containing the universe of networked digital parts & the human and social forces that builds and maintains it? https://limits.pubpub.org/pub/j542e5lp/release/1


kevin 🍃📠 driscoll @driscoll@mastodon.wellperns.com

Learning about moral economies, researching media histories, imagining post-platform futures

Tim Reierson @holdspacefree@tech.lgbt

Former volunteer for Crisis Text Line. Terminated for questioning data ethics and monetization. (Still) seeking change, with your help.

Persons in vulnerable moments should not be taken advantage of by nonprofits, researchers, Institutional Review Boards, corporations, institutions, or government organizations.

YES to: consent, respect, & ethically sourced data.

YES to: #TransLifeline #SafeHotlines

Caution: #CrisisTextLine #988Lifeline

#NLP #BioInformatics #DataEthics #ResearchEthics

ACM SIGCAS Computers&Society @sigcas@hci.social

SIGCAS is the ACM Special Interest Group Engaging professionals, specialists and the public to explore & address concerns related to Computers and Society. Inexpensive to join http://rebrand.ly/JoinSIGCAS! Currently managed by Doug Schuler.

geography @geography@mstdn.social

Programmer, studying #PoliticalEcology and #degrowth in Barcelona.

Posts here will also be about #nixos, #permacomputing.

Ben Companjen @bencomp@code4lib.social

Digital Scholarship Librarian / #ResearchSoftware and Data Engineer at Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship