dave dave@rascalking.com

Open on rascalking.com

software developer, usually web and infrastructure stuff. currently at the mit media lab.

devourer of sff in books or on the screen, lover of heist stories. boston sports fan. clean energy enthusiast.



i hate having emotions about reality; i'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

previously @rascalking@octodon.social.



phetre's quest @phetre@octodon.social

neighborhood educational technologist, capital-L Luddite, music theorist by temperament

CZEdwards @CZEdwards@wandering.shop

Sophia Invicta. Nontheist Quaker, lost Peace in favor of Justice. Social Justice Cleric. PsyD, PTSD specialist. I write #HopePunk fiction. Twtr refugee.

Gary Chou @garychou@mastodon.social

Goddessdeeva @goddessdeeva@toot.community

Autistic, disabled writer and PhD candidate living on a mountain in Wales. Sex positive, feminist, bisexual, trans rights are human rights. One husband, 2 cats. Loves ribs.

Brendan Halpin @bhalpin@better.boston

Bostonian, writer, teacher, parent, spouse. Fan of public libraries, public transit, horror movies, punk rock, and bikes.

Pier-Luc Brault @plbrault@fosstodon.org

Computer science teacher and former software developer. Free software, self-hosting and home automation enthusiast.

Massachusetts Pirate Party @masspirates@social.globalpirates.net

The Party of Open: Open Government, Open Culture, Open Innovation & People First

Glenn Fitzpatrick @gfitzp@social.glennfitzpatrick.com

I’m ridiculously awesome and awesomely ridiculous.