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Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, perma-culture/computing, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from and the header from 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless energy of @Trav!

I post and boost in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁



#Indigenous #Poet and Moderator of

Cath Roberts

Baritone saxophone, SLOTH RACKET, electronic noisemaking, organising. Also printmaking, zine making.


#improvisedmusic #improvisation #experimentalmusic

#printmaking #linocut #riso #zines


inner space ∩ outer space

artist & researcher at
& growing

born in London and recent immigrant to Aotearoa NZ. grateful to be a guest in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.

research on embodied perception, ecological communication, more than human imaginaries, climate activism, many worlds #art #STS #fedi22

Carlos Cámara-Menoyo

Architect. Social scientist. PhD. Life-long learner. Mostly interested in cities, technology & design from a social perspective.

Research Software Engineer at the University of Warwick's Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies

Michiel Nieuwstraten 🔆

Belangrijke mededeling:
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Mijn posts verdwijnen automatisch na een maand…

Ik boost toots met afbeeldingen alleen wanneer deze zijn voorzien van alt text.

Alt text headline photo: a velomobile (Quest 260) in mint and dark green (BRG) and chalked with the odo at that time: 57.327 km

Alt text avatar: glass with clear orange drink (crodino) with 2 ice cubes and half a slice of orange seen from above so that it resembles a happy face :D

Bryn Lumiére

29 He/They. Art is my jam!

Lives in The Netherlands, Europe. Works as self-employed tech consultant & software developer. Likes to tinker & has way too many interests :)

Likely to toot about:
#technology #techpolicy, #opensource #openstandards #opencontent #publicdomain #creativecommons #copyright #sustainability #diy #infosec #security #data #privacy #accessibility #ui #ux #interactiondesign #ethics #webdevelopment #devops #sysadmin #climatecrisis #food #music #linux #debian #ubuntu

Posts are removed after 3 months

Gemma Copeland

Interdependent designer-researcher. Part of Common Knowledge, a worker co-op that creates digital tools to help social movements build power.

I’m interested in commoning, solarpunk, sci-fi, radical politics, anarchism, degrowth, Luddism, cooperatives, fungi, hiking, weaving and design justice.

Hanneke van Zijl

Aandacht & Anders | Culinair & Creatief |
Eco & Eenvoud | Leren en Lezen | Natuur & Nabij |
in Remissie & Revalidatie | Schoonheid & Stilte | Verwonderen & Vertragen | Wandelen & Wensen | Zoeken & Zen |

Victor Zuydweg

Werk bij de overheid aan betere dienstverlening en communicatie. Wollig ambtenarenbloed stroomt direct onduidelijk door mijn DNA. Trots op. Hou van nutteloze afkortingen en briefjes in gebouwen. #ux #cx #dienstverlening #overheid #communicatie #digivaardig #mensvaardig #gebruiksvriendelijk

Greg W.

76 Year Old Progressive, Sky Diving, Moto Cross Racing, Rock Climbing, Baseball Umpiring - All things in my Rear View Mirror.

Advocate for All Human Rights, Abortion Rights, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Vax,

Kindness is a Renewable Resource Give It Away,

Progressive, Anti-Fascist, Atheist, Science-Based From Quarks to Dark Energy, Friend of Bills