devrtz :debian:

Open on

Mostly harmless

Debian enthusiast \o/

- Runs #emacs to develop #MobileLinux
- Can't shut up about his favourite band #kgatlw #kglw
- Tree-shaped Professional
- Is secretly a lizard
- Kann Spuren von Nuessen enthalten

PGP: B938 6554 B7DD 266B CB8E 29A9 90F0 C9B1 8A6B 4A19


Aravinth Manivannan

Hello 👋

I'm a Free Software developer currently working on:
- Accessible automated CAPTCHAS with @mcaptcha
- Libre forge ecosystem with @gna
- JAMstack platform with focus on privacy and speed with @librepages
- Software forge federation with @forgeflux

My pronouns are he/him