tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)



Femme trans blanche. Bigouine. Amoureuse des livres et reine des nerds.
Probablement en train de flirter.

White trans woman. Bisexual but for girls. Book lover and queen nerd.
I’m a relentless flirt.


private alt for clar fon (light dark). feel free to follow but I am also free to reject it.

less effective at adding cws here

avatar description: a peach-coloured slugcat stressfully looking to the side with fluffy hair, whiskers, and a light left eye + right darker eye. the background is the trans flag with a non-binary flag border. this is the same slugcat as my regular profile picture, but without any accessories.

avatar made with


Neurodivergent. Chaotic AF. Annoying. Can't shut up. Pessimist. Gender is two goblins in a trenchcoat, each with a hyperfixation, one with depression. late 20s

grassroots consensus democracy 🚩🏴

follows ok

White but not from where you think. Here since 2017.

software dev (Tusky, Tutanota, Kibou & more) but not a techbro

boosts only with descriptions, caption your media (or ask me!)

if you are into authoritarianism then piss off

Rune :BlobhajShock:

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

The profile picture is a file icon with a "Cult of the Party Parrot" parrot drawn on. There's a large cross over the bottom right corner indicating the parrot was not found.

If you can see my joined date as a date beyond January 2028 please let me know what client and server you're using :BlobhajShock:

#nobot #noindex


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots

kimothy siddon

lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white.
you may remember me from such classics as @grufwub.
i have what the kids call, mental health. life is a lot.
enjoyer of oats. appreciator of cats.

professional bug contributor at @gotosocial .
write mostly Go and sh. also: Rust, PHP, Python, ACAB.

anarcho somethingivist.
nuance is dead.

the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance.
working on dealing with a lifetime of assimilated systemic bigotry.
the onus isn't on you, but if you do call me on shit, it is appreciated.
owning up to and working on my shit are important to me.

i love my wife @goat


Husband, and father of a 4 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University data-center in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


Currently investigating my ND traits that I have been consciously/subconsciously masking most of my life.
ND account
(maybe) #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD

Dmitri | 🇺🇦

Engineer and decentralized standards rabble-rouser. Open Data and Library Socialism activist, sailor, gamer, reader. 0.5th gen immigrant (born in Ukraine, living in US currently). Feminist. Love people, dogs, other animals, books, the sea, & anticapitalist software. Summat' queer and neuro-slightly-off. Would prolly like you if we met.
(he/him) #nobot

tech? no! man, see...

tryin' to catch the last train out of Omelas

Sophie Jane

Older. Trans. Lesbian. She/her
On fedi since 2017
Trying to be kinder and more open
Accepting fewer follow requests

Stanisław Małolepszy

I make small 3D games, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people call me as Staś.

Dragonfox Sophie :therian:

Building clouds, crashing servers, writing my own OS and tinkering with electronics. I'm also quite (species-, gender-, sexuality- and neuro-)queer and go by either she/her or they/them (both singular and plural!) pronouns.

Apparently an old and wise dragon, granting wisdom and advice around queer and/or polyam topics. Quoting a friend:

This is like "can you fix my wifi" but for poly queers hahahahha

Someone decided it be a good idea to make me tech lead for Kubernetes stuff at my employer and I somehow have commits in Kubernetes and UEFI, while also having commit access to LLVM - I'm really not quite sure how that happened 🙃

I usually write alt texts for media I post and at least think twice before boosting any non-alt-texted media.

You might know my other account at @LittleFox, but that is mastosoc and I don't really use it anymore. Because I'm running a single-user instance (that btw was never meant to be my "productive" instance), you might not see any posts from me without going to my profile on my instance directly - federation is always working perfectly, except when it isn't for any weird edge case ^^

Call me Mara, Sophie, Luna or Saphira! Or find any of the bonus names also working :o)