
Open on

Husband, and father of a 4 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University data-center in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


Currently investigating my ND traits that I have been consciously/subconsciously masking most of my life.
ND account
(maybe) #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD



Off-the-grid daughter, mother and dog-lover. Retired and moved to VT during Covid. Interests include wandering through local fields and forests and starting to learn about what’s there.

Hugs4friends ♾

#ActuallyAutistic #LGBTQIAally #SJW Ally to People of Colour
I will happily comment, favourite, and boost.
1 partner, 3 sons, 5 grandchildren, 2 greatgrandchildren.
I love learning new things. I am very often annoyingly helpful.
Very new to my autistic self, but pretty confident in self-diagnosis.
I have begun to recognise that I am so good at masking, I can even fool myself. One foot in front of the other.
#reader #scifi #history #prehistory #environment #climate

Dave Polaschek (backup)

Backup account in case @davepolaschek should go wonky


Small furry creature, lives in the garden. Always curious. she/her
Naarm, Wurundjeri land
Remember: the map is not the territory. Where we look from & our #ToolsToThinkWith determine what we see. We can choose kindness.
Avatar: rabbit with wings wearing blue trousers from an Ivy Wallace book. Banner: 3 baskets on veranda bench, middle one with wooly blue blanket & senior ginger cat. Cherry blossom behind. Drying bottle gourds to side.

Marcy RW

Attorney for Creatives. Former Professor of Music Industry. Author. Composer/Producer. Democracy Enthusiast. Women’s Rights are Human Rights. New Texan helping and hoping to turn it BLUE. #politics #Democrats #law

David Nash

Home: Part of an amazing #Polyfidelitous family (3 adults, 4 kids)

Work: #DataEngineering currently. #WebDevelopment and #DevOps in the past. #Chemistry a long time ago.

Long-time developer of the HYG + AT-HYG star catalogs (

I'm also on a more general server,, @dpnash, so if I seem familiar, this is probably why. I post about #Neurodiversity here now and use the other account for other topics.

Both accounts *will* have cat pictures.


Your Autistic Life

🏴󠁣󠁡󠁱󠁣󠁿🇨🇦🇺🇸 I'm an #autistic man (he/him) that has never been formally #diagnosed as autistic. I discovered that I was probably on the spectrum in March 2023. I believe that it is my #cancer that altered my #brain in such a way that I am less able to #mask now.

I'm also pansexual, polyamorous, and into BDSM, but these are not my focus with this account.

Je parle aussi français. (Le tabarnak de drapeau noir est supposé être un drapeau du Québec.)


DinkyShop :fediverse:

Good Stuff, Dinky Prices. Licensed #Architect, Planner Designer by day. I’ve designed a lot of places (in the USA) you probably already know! 
#Architecture #Planning #Apple #Tech #Tennis Enthusiast. #Politics #Jazz #NeoSoul #SocialJustice #DIY #AntiFascism #WearAMask
FOLLOW ME !! Thanks 😀
I’m on 2 servers, same Dinky! 😀


:python: :debian: :vim: :git: | 🔨 🧰 📚 🏐 🏕️

Husband, and father of a 3.5 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University datacenter in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


I don't toot or boost much, but I try to help where I can when people ask questions, and contribute to threads in a meaningful way.

Matthew Martin ☑ ✅📛

Software developer, tech lead in Washington, DC.

I tweet without CW
- software, programming, #python, dad jokes, DC, Fed government tech contracting and jobs, #govtech

I tweet with CW or tag
- #Vegetarianism, Left Leaning politics, #Running.

I don't speak for my employer.

E5QZPe, #fedi22


Java developer by day, Julia developer by night.

Always an amateur philosopher.

Sometimes funny...

Working Dad

Controversial things about me:
Everyone: transhumanist
Right-wing: polyamorous (married), agnostic atheist, quite leftist, class consciousness resulting from working class upbringing
Leftist: bougie corporate drone by day, loyal citizen of the US (although I'm also a serious reformer), former libertarian

I hope you can look past all that though, we people need to stick together.

Lew Riley

Professor of physics at a #SLAC. I study experimental nuclear structure mostly with gamma rays, protons, and students. Pursuing adventures in #ungrading / alternative assessment. Opinions my own. (he|him) #ITeachPhysics #LiberalArts #NuclearPhysics #UndergraduateResearch #Linux #Python #tfr #fedi22

(Header image shows the Gretina gamma-ray tracking array looking at a liquid hydrogen target installed at the pivot of the S800 magnetic spectrograph.)