Sylvie (she/her) :verified_trans: :verified_sapphic:

Open on

Rust software developer from Vienna, Austria.

Cliché autistic transfem programmer. I may still be trying to figure out my gender, but at least I have my socks!

To be real, I'm mostly documenting my daily life here, so there's gonna be primarily life stuff with some programming stuff inbetween. I usually post in english and very rarely in german.

Follow requests always open!



Sindastra :autism: 🪫

Hi, I'm Sindastra. (:

I do all sorts of things, I'm passionate about "tech", real IT, not just gadgets! :D

I run a blog and a YouTube channel with sporadic updates.

I love boosts. :BoostOK:

I am self-verified ✅ 😆 (the joke being that it's worth about as much as a self-regulating industry, think of conflict of interest)

Fun with flags: 🏳️‍🌈 🇪🇺 🇩🇪🇨🇭



CJ Bellwether

"not just an idiot, but a credible idiot"
- Marcello Magni

"blessed with ignorance"
- Mira Bellwether

"you know what you are? you're "Look at me! I'm getting away with it!""
- Mr Pirate Cutlass

yes boys i'm both witty and araldite

CJ Bellwether 🔞
siege is short for CJ
queer femme dyke

little sister and daughter of Mira Bellwether

adult clown, pervasive street game designer, arg developer, go-go dancer, actress, immersive events performer/director, mask work teacher, european theatre practitioner, burlesque MC, speakeasy ne'er-do-well, graphic designer, forgery prop counterfeiter, kink trader, sex columnist, newspaper editor, nonsense facilitator, professional party idiot and vibe girl.

"i work in events"

shine 🔜 CCCamp

Rustacean, craftswoman, geek



.net dev | hacking things | 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

noise enjoyer

:marble_agender: :anarchismtrans: :stirner:

use any pronouns with me idc / usa cualquier pronombre conmigo me da lo mismo

i speak spanish and english / hablo español e inglés

i like translating stuff that i like on the internet, like books, websites, projects, etc / me gusta traducir cosas que me gustan en el internet, como libros, sitios web, proyectos, etc

i'm learning how to play the bass / estoy aprendiendo a tocar el bajo

anarcho-individualist leaning towards egoism / anarco-individualista tirando a egoísta

i usually disappear for some months, don't worry, i'll be back / a veces desaparezco por unos meses, no se preocupen, ya volveré

Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more.

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.

I post lewd things sometimes, please don’t interact with those if you’re a minor or twice my age, or a straight cis man.


Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
​:symbol_otherkin:​ ​:anarchy:​ ​:trans_furr_white:​ ​:vegan:​ ​:heart_nb:​

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (
especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.


luna "delete & redraft" vivian.

hi, i'm luna vivian (also known as 4 raccoons under a trenchcoat (with me being one of them (θΔ))), your local 19 year old plural gay ace polyam non-binary transfem genderfluid mess.

⚠️ please have a filled-out bio (with your pronouns) before sending a follow request! ⚠️

in a relationship with:
- (since 06/2023)

i am...:
- socially awkward
- definitely not neurotypical
- an extremely shy extrovert
- a writer/editor for
- maintainer of the
- proud owner of a ThinkPad x230
- an Arch Linux user, btw
- in the fediverse since february 2021
- well known for those daily 13:12 posts at 13:12; that 175MB toot with That One Song attached; and those "fuck it, pronouns in XY" posts (well, not really - i ran out of ideas)

⚠️ might sometimes shitpost (but, like, actually funny stuff) - and some toots might not be my opinion, but's or's instead! ⚠️

canary text file (which i forget to update regularly):

PGP key:


quotes and reviews: "luna apparently has only 2 moods, suicidal and horny" "appears on my TL from time to time. Based content. Fries were also fine. would recommend" "kann man nicht meckern" "best person in the fediverse" "10 sterne, auf jeden fall weiterzuempfehlen!" "im gonna call you a cutie and make you put that in your reviews" ""luna cool" -me 2023" "3 cute loveable raccoons in a trench coat. would hug and snuggle 10/5" "luna is so cool and awesome and gender and everything, filsuhflsr (do not underestimate my gayness)" "POG: people of gay" "Störung"


They/Them | She/Her (if we're close) | Anticap - Ancom ​:anarchy:​ | Antifa ​:antifa:​ | Total Liberationist

Software engineer, failed game dev, terrible artist, self-proclaimed musician, lettuce enjoyer

Friendly local agender enby trans girl

RainOS dev, part of the
re:human project

We create our own reality


Re-certified Server Maid

pls have a bio, pfp, and a few posts before following

thot leader, CEO of
your favorite fedi microinfluenza, #1 ad girl for the fediverse
i use :nixOwOs: btw
very gay for @alia
ultra genius inventor of advanced AI @catgpt

due to large volume of follow requests I'm very slow to respond, pls be patient. all requests are subject to a Vibe Check as described in RFC ■■■■

"Astrid always surprises me with her ability to come up with innovative and novel ways to be gay." --
"pwns systems and makes makes them do her bidding" --
"like, 10 shitposters in a trenchcoat" --
"sleeper based timeline contributor" --
"nyanyanyaaaa nyanya nyanya nyanya miaou mewmewmew miaumiau" --
"This bitch be like "nya uwu" and gets front page on HN twice. Desperately needs fluffy ears and a tail." --
"unlikely to spontaneously combust" --, who is clearly not an expert on spontaneous combustion
"all the other testimonials included here were bought from fake reviewers as a part of some type of slimey social SEO scheme" --

opinions obviously do not reflect those of my employer, what the hell were you thinking???


lee :Fire_Trans:

I do computers for work (k8s, devOps, accessibility) and any crafts I can get my gay lil hands on (knitting, stamp carving, bookbinding are some favorites right now). big fan of birds.

if you ever want any of my art just ask! commissions for custom work are also an option.

AuDHD, white, queer/trans/nonbinary

boosting/posting images with good alt text; if I fail to do so you're welcome to remind me

generally will follow back when we interact a lil

previously @inherentlee


:blobfox_computer: :java: Backend dev fueled by :vegan: vegan food, :cinna_coffee: coffee and :blobcatheadphones: music, lots of music. Leftist/anarchist. Trans woman. Sometimes a photographer. PL, EN; ona/jej, she/her.

* all content here: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_nc_us: :cc_nd:
* I don't see DMs if I don't follow you.
* Minors: DNI.

#noBots #noArchive #noIndex #noSearch #noAI

#photography #vegan #music #software
