ghose 🦥

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🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:debian: & :archLinux: user

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (,,



Back from the dead!

I'm from the 70s. I like going off trail. I'm married. I'm a Buddhist of the generic Mahayana variety some Chan some Zen. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.


I run. 🏃
Run with me:
Follow me:
@ Hubzilla
@ PixelFed

#laufen #running #fedi22 #tattoo #nomad #music #ultrarunning #barefoot


I like talking to people about the things that interest them. People are interesting! I pick up heavy things and put them back down, and I run when no one is chasing me. Love #books, #knitting, #outdoors, #weightlifting, #running and #baking.

Happy to shout virtual moral support in your direction.

Header: a road sign leaning by a tired looking wooden fence in the middle of a hay field.
Profile: assorted stickers on a metal surface



Catch up to the sun.

Runner and sailor living in Aotearoa. Interested in enjoying nature, #ecology, #regeneration and #permaculture. #plantbased #vegan.

O Galdo

Estou aqui para conversar de maneira distendida, de muitas cousas que me interessam.

Estou vivendo em Cedeira, mas nasci em Ferrol, e durante uns anos aprendi a ser um pouco chairego.

Atendo em galego (português), también en castellano and also in English. Também consigo entender outras línguas romances.

Conta alternativa 👉 pcgaldo em

Eliminação automática de publicações de mais de 3 meses.


Adrián Perales (Gadi)

Profesor de Lengua Castellana y Literatura con la tiza en una mano y una tablet en la otra. Hablo sobre todo de educación, cultura y tecnología.

Creature Of The Hill :autism: :anartrans_symbol:

Come to realise there are several distinct souls living in this corporeal form. A plural system, currently composed of five of us, anyone else turns up, they get to sort everything while the rest of us take a break for a bit.

Artist, wanderer, fixer, maker, activist, trans..
Always a creature of the hill.

(plural: they/them singular: she/her)

Located in the North of Scotland
Old enough to probably know better

Actually autistic, and now suitably acknowledged/pathologised by the NHS.


Bibliotecas 📚 Archivos 🗂️ Running 🏃‍♂️ Fotografía 📸 Arte digital 🤳🖼️
Una gallega 🤍💙 en Euskadi 💚

No sin mi ☕

Ekaitz Zárraga 👹

Engineer. Creator.


I made this once:

Marcos Taracido

Profesor. Escribe. Todo é ficción.
Textos e obras en
Cofundou e dirixiu

No qual narrar-se-me-ei a mim mesmo.

Germán Vidal 🚀🚀🚀

Profe de informática (VRAIN/UPV). Aquí hablo de fotografía –las fotos que publico son mías salvo que indique lo contrario–, humor, ciencia, libros, pelis, viajes, ciencia ficción, política (de izquierdas, por cierto), etc. Un proyecto para el futuro: escribir una novela de ciencia-ficción...

Si solo te interesa el tema profesional (informática, IA, lenguajes de programación, etc), tengo otra cuenta (en inglés):