
Open on


Occasionally NSFW
Under 18s, begone with ye. On second thought, make that under 21s, as well.

Angry leftist cat mom who used to do computer stuff. Learning to do healthcare stuff. Still messes with Lisp/Scheme, OpenBSD, Plan 9, and a little bit of mainframe stuff. Obsessed with first and second wave goth. Aspiring rope bunny. Avi by Al Foreman of poisonedminds/SSDD

Seth Hanford 🐡

CSIRT primarily, currently doing large-scale detection engineering. I ❤️ ISO 8601

Spent a good amount of time in intelligence, ran operations for a vulnerability database, and worked a lot on some industry standards working groups CVSS (v2, v3), CPE (2.3). Did PSIRT a few places, too.

Do a lot with OpenBSD, Python, and Oxford commas. Worked as a manager for some world-class, global teams. Use that experience as a super power now that I’m back as a senior technical IC.

richards1052 ✅

Independent journalist and Israel-Palestine blogger (Tikun Olam). Exposing the Israeli national security state since 2003. Hated by all the right people!

I also publish at Middle East Eye, The New Arab, and Jacobin Magazine.

This account features links to my regular blog posts, published articles, and curates links to the sources I find interesting and important regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, American Jewish politics, and US Middle East policy.

Adriano 🐡


Miod Vallat

#Auvergnat cha(t)fouin et retors
Cartes postales du #Cantal
Prédateur naturel du #fromage
#OpenBSD villain
Rugby XV (ASM, SACA) & XIII (Dracs, TO)

Amitai Schleier

Software development coach.
Itinerant programmer.
Legacy code wrestler. podcaster.
Bad poet (award-winning).


Valentin Iovene

tech lead in medtech industry

Daniel Bolgheroni




Amirein Renuo

Maxime Valy

o_O | he/him