
Open on

Aslak Raanes

Trondheim, Norway


le dek

Sysadmin et éleveur de machines libres.
Fabrique et casse des trucs dans les clouds, mais aussi près de chez toi.

Papa débutant.
Photographe amateur.
Apprenti guitariste.

Poste en Français ou en Anglais suivant l'humeur et le sujet.


French sysadmin, free-range machines breeder.
Builds and breaks stuff in the clouds, or maybe near you.

Learning dad.
Amateur photographer.
Noob guitarist.

Posts in French or English, depending on the mood or the topic.

Pierre-Yves Ritschard

slacker, climber, yak shaver.

Ricardo Martín

Functional daydreamer ● I code, watch over your network, build things, and roll my own sushi ● FLOSS, self hosting ● I simply prefer working with FreeBSD and OpenBSD 🤷‍♂️

Arnaud Vallat

Android software engineer at Microsoft, working on
Outlook Mobile. Previously lead Android at Sunrise.

Patrick Wildt

ARM enthusiast who loves making stuff work. OpenBSD/arm64 developer.


This is the official mastodon account to follow the BSD devroom news at the Fosdem.


J'ai pas grand chose à dire, alors je le dis quand même.


InfoSec, sarcasm.

Damien Miller

debugging, v: the process of inserting printf statements into code until one's errors reveal themselves

Bruno Rohée

Blogging mostly about infosec and energy transition matters, but also following the Russian invasion of Ukraine closely.

I may be following people I don't condone, they just wrote something interesting at least once.


Dad, dog dad, query execution engineer at MongoDB. Former GitHub. Opinions are my own.