Luis G Rodriguez-Rullan

Open on

I prepare programs for electronic digital computers (Java, Python, and Go on Google Cloud). I use old Commodore 64 and Atari ST computers. I speak Spanish, English, and am learning Catalan.


Science Blue :trek_tos_spock:

My "real name" is Maurice and my primary special interest is #StarTrek. I also love #reggae and #musicals and most importantly, the Star Trek musical #SubspaceRhapsody. I hold the rank of Captain in Starfleet International ( INTP. Neutral Good. And no - I am not the real Punk on Bus. That would be the inestimable and initimable Kirk R. Thatcher!

Some other interests:


Justin Skists

Family man that likes the finer things in life, like #retrocomputing, tinkering and a decent ale.

Software engineer by day; asleep by night.


Dog person.

Eric Nelson

My quest to collect all retro game consoles and computers I couldn't have as a kid continues...

Co-Host of The Pixel Gaiden Podcast.


Humanist Misanthrope. Professional Cat Herder. Sleep Enthusiast. Bibliophile. Fur Father 🐕🐕🐈.

Joe Cooper 💾

Born tired. Likes bikes and hikes. Sometimes I work on Open Source software. Other times I work on robots. I remember when computers were good. He/him.

If I re-tooted something and then un-re-tooted, it was because I noticed the image(s) didn't have alt text.


Doug Daulton

UK based programmer, UNIX geek, libertarian, bookworm, retro neophile. Likes Strong Cheese, Hitchcock & Pink Floyd.

Adam Brisebois (YesterGearPC)

Vintage computer collector, electronics engineer, mechanic, business manager, absurdist, proud father of two awesome trans kids. No room for bigots.

a stinky ox 🐂

I am an ox that makes games and lightsynths. Recreational shepherd. Carmarthenshire.

I like #coding, #gaming, #retrogames, #fur (fake of course), #beer, #curry, #plushies, #Floyd, #sheep, #Defaidodon, #Wales, oh I'm sure I shall think to add more.

Ought to put #Atari there too I suppose.

Rod Hull -

The Future was 8bit, and still is in my house.. C64p, SD2IEC, Penultimate+ Cart, divMMC Future, all sorts. VIC20's rulez. Commodore, Sinclair, BBC, Oric, Dragon

Like a lot of us, I'm new to Mastodon.. So I'm still learning!

An bunch of left over links that don't fit in the natty link tabs..


old account :