
Open on

You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here. But I'll likely direct you to someone else.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


Laura meow 🧚‍♀️

I (literally) do things on the internet :)
trans lesbian demigirl | they/them or she/hers | network security engineer | Nürnberg :/

#kinky #NeuroDivergent
:demigirl: :transgender: :lesbian:

"We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: Over time, without plan, on top of ruins."
- Ellen Ullman

header image:

Laura <3

I (literally) do things on the internet :) :rainbow_heart:
trans lesbian demigirl | she/they | network security engineer | Nürnberg :/

#kinky #NeuroDivergent

"We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: Over time, without plan, on top of ruins."
- Ellen Ullman

header image:


25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro | activist

Admin of this GoToSocial instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:

Profile picture shows moanos, a white guy with blond hair, in front of some trees and bushes. He wears a red shirt and suspenders

Year of Hell, Part IV :jo:

Jo Jerrica Decker (She/Her)

Tired CompSci graduate and destroyer of God, apparently. Slapping hormone gel since 03/05/2019.

Profile pic is Blaze from IDW's Jem and the Holograms, drawn by Jenn St. Onge.

Transphobes are child abusers.
NFT means "No Fucking Thanks"


A mixed race trans woman who's anarchist and very queer and autistic who loves videogames (especially racing or arpgs) and synthy electronic music.
If I forget to do a CW or caption an image I don't mind being reminded.
Occasionally rude, mostly wholesome, but definitely not suitable for minors.
Follow requests welcome, I just wanna check you first.
I was @thatsabinegirl on the hell bird site.

I moved to

Hi, I finally moved to @maeve !

please check out my bio there instead. thank you.

wolf girl wednesday

a 🐺dog🐺 trapped between a bunch of computers. maintenance demon of octodon & i dont like this
~ ⛧ ~
anarchist & communist, very much & violently so;
dm are open; 26 & cant let minors in here; white & anti-white;
this is a personal account not some public facade: expect (lack of)mental health, sex, drugs, death, disability stuff, trans stuff, horsefucking, etc.
please do not follow solely for fedi admin stuff its depressing to me.
~ ⛧ ~
probably more afraid of you than you are of her. bites but it's affectionate

:bisexual_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :lesbian_flag: :polyamory: :neurodiversity: :anarchist_flag: :anartrans_symbol:

Craig Maloney ☕

Host of Open Metalcast. Author of The Mediocre Programmer Book. Contributor to Pepper&Carrot. Tootstream maintainer. #Linux Lover. #Programmer of #Python and more. Game designer. #Music lover. Tabletop #RPG fan. #RetroComputing fan. #Metal fan. Your #1 fan.

I've been on federated platforms back when they ran on vacuum tubes and baling wire.

(#nobot #main)

(Header / Avatar by David Revoy 4.0))

:solar: vivi

Follow requests as a safety precaution.

100001 years old (in binary. I'm 33 in decimal).

Autistic. Trans anarchist. Relationship anarchist, too (poly).

I'm a harmonization between a synthesizer and a pretty flower who helps it come up with variable names (and now with more!)

toki! nimi mi li jan Wi.

"Hark! Vivi of Solarpunk! First of vaer name!" -moth

Shrig 🐌

I'm writing things, and you're reading them

J. 🍓

אחד האדמינים. :sea_verified:
גר בוייטנאם, עושה יותר מדי ופחות מדי ספורט לסירוגין ואוכל כל מה שזז, והכל פה זז.
מתפרנס מלכתוב קוד, אבל בהליכי הגירה לעולם הפיזי.


Étudiante en sociologie, blogueuse sur : ( (

où j'explique notamment sur le premier qu'une arnaque impliquant une relation prolongée entre l'escroc et sa victime est de la maltraitance et que c'est pour ça que Twitter, mais aussi plus généralement le capitalisme, nous maltraite, et sur le second je parle de choses plus légères comme “et si vous essayiez Linux?”, “Azkaban et torture porn”, etc.

J'essaie aussi de transmettre aux libristes des notions courantes dans les autres luttes sociales, comme la convergence des luttes.

#100DaysToOffload #Blog #FR #Hypermedia #Emacs #Bépo #Anticapitalisme #Antifa #LogicielsLibres