Max :verified:

Open on

Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!



hugovangalen 🤖 🕹️ 😼

coder • (retro)techy • 3d printing • electronics • linux
• casual gamer

I make & break stuff

toots are in English and Nederlands

wear a mask, stay safe

#nobot should keep the bots at bay


geek, programmer, musician, writer, open source hacker, vegetarian, amateur-linguist, info addict, neuroscience, *BSD

fedizen since 2018

#coffee #tea #mentalhealth #fedi22

Eelco Maljaars 🇪🇺

Family life, Devops, IT security, automate all the things, Open Source, #debian #nixos #oss #devops #k8s #watermanagement #security #rijkswaterstaat

Erik Uden 🦣

Admin of MastodonDE

Member of the Fediverse
Decentralize or Die! #smallweb
Open Source is a Human Right!

Socialize the Social Network for the Sake of All!

Born at 375.64 ppm | :he_him:​:er_ihm: | tfr

@yassie_j ⇐🕸️💍⇒

Former Account: @Erik


Muziek, fotografie, 🚲, geografie, geschiedenis, Utrecht, web, tech, taal en andere ongevraagde berichten.


53, LAT relatie, proces-operator.
Humor, stekelig prima maar geen gedram a.u.b


Teacher (history & maths), musician and amateur birder

Eelco de Rook

Bekritiseer ik de ander op wat 'k verafschuw in — oh, grúwel 😜 — @eelco?

Hoeveel hypocrisie kan ik van mezelf verdragen?

#VoorWeinigCovid #VitamineD

Strubbl 🐧


#osm #OpenStreetMap #linux #opensource

Max Westen

Father and Husband, loves tinkering with computers, code and wood.

#Woodworking #Lutherie #Security #Lyme #BrainDamage #HomeAssistant #Genealogy

Was known as @DLMax on the blue bird.

Living in Oss, The Netherlands; tooting in NL and EN.


Freelance Web Developer. Wants to automate everything, if not possible I’ll still find a way to do so. Likes stuff related to DevOps and #Bitcoin

Menno 王 Ong 💎

solidariteit 🟰 inclusiviteit 🏳️‍🌈 diversiteit 🌱 duurzaamheid | directeur octrooibureau | lid adviescommissie geweldsaanwending politie | Mensaal & Rotarian | Persoonlijke meningen
solidarity 🟰 inclusion 🏳️‍🌈 diversity 🌱 sustainability | CEO of a firm of patent attorneys | member of advisory committee on police violence | Mensan & Rotarian | Opinions are my own