Max :verified:

Open on

Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!



Jan-Willem Swane

Curator van het 404-museum. Communicatieadviseur bij de Inspectie van het Onderwijs, maar toot hier op persoonlijke titel.

Vaak over #boeken, #films, #tentoonstellingen, #voorstellingen, #muziek en andere #cultuur.

57, en net ontdekt dat ik #adhd heb.

Doet voorzichtige stappen op het #linux- en #YunoHost-pad.

Jacob Ras

Android developer, music enthusiast



Annemieke Dekker

Denkt, leest en schrijft, voedt op, werkt hand. Houdt van verhalen. 
‘Wie wil vergeten, blijft een gevangene, wie zich herinnert, voelt zich vrij.’ (Otto de Kat, Bericht uit Berlijn)
Berichten verdwijnen vanzelf na zes maanden.

Sebastian Hagens

Vader, ondernemer, webdeveloper, techconsultant | voorvechter van digitale autonomie #decentraal | admin op van @nieuw_westbrabant | #wielrennen & #gravel Cervélo Aspero | #circuit Honda Civic | Most of my toots are Dutch, find my English toots at @sebastix

“Maak van jouw verwachting niet mijn verplichting” #pluralist #stoïcijn


Freelance Database Administrator.
Father of 2.
Husband of 1.
Music collector.
Pool player.
Admin of / / / /

For anyone that would like to make a donation to, we currently have these options: (recurring or 1-time donations) (Recurring donations only)


Server Administrator and owner of 🤖

Freelance DevOps Engineer from The Netherlands. Wants to automate everything, if not possible I’ll still find a way to do so. Likes stuff related to PHP, Kubernetes, Linux and cats. :verified_paw:

Enjoying Help us keep the lights on! Consider supporting us with recurring donations on Ko-Fi ( or Patreon (

Eric Buijs

free/libre software, open data, open standards activist with a grudge against big tech, big IP holders and authoritarian governments.

I'm actively trying to stop the suffering of the animals and the global collapse of our ecosystem.

In addition I'm also a bicycle enthusiast. The bicycle is one of the most energy efficient ways of transportation and as far as I'm concerned the most fun way.

#freesoftware #3dprinting #bicycle #animalrights


Pronouns: He/Him
@ClaudetteK’s husband.

Likes tech, SF/Fantasy, TTRPGs and good conversations. Often wacky. Mostly harmless.

I believe that we need kindness and connection to solve the challenges we face today. We also need the determination to do better & hold those accountable who put greed above a living, equitable world.

“Conversation may not be a dying art, but it •is• severely injured.” – Kermit the Frog

Jan Boddez

Mechanical engineer, amateur web developer, mediocre guitarist. Likes web standards, accessibility, #PHP#Laravel and #WordPress, mostly—the #IndieWeb, and #PunkRock. #nobot

music, sport, cycling, social science, philosophy, education.

Websitemachine (ツ) JP

Hoi! Ik ben JP, ontwikkelaar van Ik streef naar fijne, makkelijke en 100% groene websites.

Verder ben ik nieuwsgierig naar #offgrid & #solar / #solarpunk. Dol op motorrijden en sleutelen.
Hi! I'm JP, developer of I strive for nice, easy and 100% green websites.

I am also curious about #offgrid & #solar / #solarpunk. Love motorcycling and tinkering.