🟡Michael Clifford Carter mikecarter@mastodon.social

Open on mastodon.social

Join me for some Laughs and Inspiration as we explore the Intersection of Baseball Humor and an Uplifting Mindset. #BaseballJokes #PositiveVibes #MentalHealth #Wellness #Manifesting #Transformation #Consciousness #Spirituality


sexybiggetje 🐷 @martijn@plantsand.coffee

Making pictures and posts about #coffee, #food and #gardening. Mainly #vegetarian cooking.
Look for @martijn for my general account.


Max :verified: @max@toet.dnzm.nl

Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

Nieuw in de fediverse? Fedi.tips helpt je op weg!


pepper @pepper@plantsand.coffee