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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Eric Brandom

Intellectual history, especially of modern France. Teaching Caribbean history as well as Digital Games & History. Associate editor of *Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains*. Book in progress on Georges Sorel & the Third Republic. searchable

Recent writing: "Against the Hierarchy of Knowledge: Georges Sorel, Education, and Revolution" in *French History*:

ChuSGC 水 :flago: :lamancha:

𝗥𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗣𝗼𝗱

♥: Elenyka
🔻N.Súper3: 114937

:senyera: #Català
:flago: #Esperanto
:lamancha: #LaMancha

又 Mike Oldfield
🔠Idiomas · Idiomes ·Lingvoj
🗺️ · #Política · #Història · 🚅
🧬Dr. Biomedicina Experimental · BQ

Carlos Marín Beltrán

Hábil con las manos, capaz de hacer casi todo con los ojos cerrados. Gran aficionado a la cerveza no importando mucho donde caiga.

George Penney

I'm a queer/bi comic crime/SFF author (under the name George Penney) and I'm also a best-selling Rom Com writer (under Evie Snow) and a PhD escapee.

I have two podcasts called Bohemiana and My Favourite Monster.

I also travel continuously and house sit around the world because I can, and I'm a cultural omnivore who is interested in everything all at once.

I GM 2-5 shot DnD 5e games that are fun, silly and set in my OverLondon universe.

I like tea and cats, not necessarily in that order.

Óscar Gorri

Aprendiz de todo y sabio de nada.
Cuanto más alto me pongan el listón más fácilmente pasaré por debajo.


Hi, I'm Talon. I make music, develop audio games, advocate for accessibility, record and design sounds, do accessibility work during the day, and this is an account on an instance that may or may not break horribly in the future. I keep saying this isn't my main account, but for now I'm probably gonna post here a lot.

Stuart Celarier

#CloudSolutionsArchitect at #Xpirit. Former #MicrosoftMVP and #MicrosoftRegionalDirector.

I teach #Juggling at #ReedCollege and helped create the #PortlandJugglingFestival.

I play #Mandolin as well as #Mandola and #Mandocello. Many musical styles, mostly jazz and swing these days, but I'm open.

Our garden is filled with #Rhododendrons and related woodland plants.

Known to take an occasional sip of sherry.

The Kitchen Bitches 🐕‍🦺⚜️

I'm a #Deafblind #NeuroDivergent introvert using #Braille ad tactile #ASL for communication. Caffeine and books are my love language. I'm a Queer kitchen #witch interested in #cooking and #AromaTherapy,. My dogs are my people. Phoenix is 4 and is my owner trained #ServiceDog. Callisto is in training to work for me as well. They are both #GoldenRetrievers. I take terrible pictures of dogs and food and write very bad alt text because I can't see the pictures I take! 😂

Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

Blind, love modules, MIDI files, especially those made for the Roland SC-88Pro and later, ringtones and obscure music and music formats in general, old technology, and many other things. He/him.

Huoneesta kuuluva Piersin ääni

No estoy aqui para tener sentido.

Be prepared to read toots in multiple languages.

Scheißpfosting? Ja, Danke!

Elikkäs sekaisin asiaa ja tyhjänjauhantaa.

If you don't like books or languages, why would you even send a follow request?

Autisti ja trans.

Ik heb geen voornaamwoorden, gebruik wat je wilt.

No nazis, fascists, terfs, antivaxxers, cryptobros or similar.

Ma liikun ainult fitsiga ja rongiga.

Anti-Chompsky Aktion 🚩🏴 generative linguistics is 💩

Also BookWyrm: @Stoori.


Mi primera cuenta no sobrevivió a mi depresión.
Me gusta:
- El código (:clang:/:cxx:/:java:/:python:, ASM, :vim:, :ubuntu_logo:)
- Los ordenadores retro (Spectrum/Amstrad/MSX/:commodore:/Amiga)
- El Metal 🎸 🎤

Me he escrito un emulador:
:flag_transgender: :progresspride_flag: :flag_asexual:

Persona enformática-linux-user-on-the-desktop. Relaciones humanas nivel usuario. Hice un curso de Udemy de tratar con personas.
Alt-text de mi Avatar: Mi personaje de Animal Crossing, un muñeco de cara redonda y pelo blanco rizado, con la nariz pequeña. Llevo unas gafas de sol, un gorro de pelo y sonrío ligeramente.

fuck them boats

Aquí hablo de mi día a día, de lo que me preocupa en el mundo (abajo el trabajo, feminismo, derechos trans, internet), de la música que me está gustando, y supongo que un poco de #retrogaming.

Leeré a cualquiera que hable de libros.

La teoría sin praxis son sólo palabras.

También soy autista, pero no hablo mucho de ello.