Omar Rizwan

Open on

"The program should, in some way, expand the concept of what computer paint programs are, as well as what mark making can be."



I work with computers.

Farah Al Wardani

just sharing stuff here -
أَلا ،كُلُّ شَيءٍ ما خَلا اللَهَ باطِلُ
وَكُلُّ نَعيمٍ لا مَحالَةَ زائِلُ


Computer Vision Engineer, Applied Rationality meetup organizer, physical infrastructure enthusiast, Human Computer Interaction cheer-leader.


spencer chang

@spencerc99 elsewhere

"I start every day with two empty hands"

weaving empowering, playful technology • growing magic & joy • crafting tools
@coda_hq • molding dreams @verses_xyz

Panicz Maciej Godek

I like cycling, swimming, pizza, ice cream, comics, computer games and Lisp programming in Emacs.
Currently I'm developing #GRASP - the GRAphical Scheme Programming environment for Android, Desktop and Terminal

Eugen Minciu


air fried enthu cutlet


high-tech skills, low-tech ambitions.
For work, I run, an org that forecasts the future of rivers and monitors natural and conserved spaces.

For not work, I'm running, gardening, making music, and searching for the intersection of mysticism, art, and technology. I live with my family in Massachusetts.


Listen the arch reindeer wants you to have the finest prints

Steve Wart

Retired software engineer, formerly enthusiastic about all things computer, but now less so. Climate alarmist. Friend of old dogs, lifelong learner of new tricks.

North Vancouver 🇨🇦

𝕾𝖎𝖗 𝕽𝖞𝖆𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖘

Islamic philosophy, monarchy, post-leftist anarchy, Linux/FOSS, AwesomeWM, linguistics, Star Trek, No Agenda Knight. Fediverse since 2017. Unaffiliated. EN/FR
