Alun Jones

Open on

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial.



#BBCMicro #AcornElectron
#Commodore64 #C64
Type-ins, demos, text based games

Studio 8502 :verified:

Retrocomputing Maker and Designer in Ontario, Canada. I make stuff without promising a delivery date. I don't do crowdfunding, but I do gratefully accept Patreon and Ko-Fi support for what I do.
Language: English (I do speak others, but not well enough to claim fluency of any real kind)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nationality: Canadian
Politics: Hard Left, New Democratic Party, but pragmatic about it
Technology: Retro
Attitude: Friendly until it's time to not be friendly anymore.

Kolokoko Bird!

Some things I like: #dogs #books #reading #information #history #privacy #outdoors #hiking #wildswimming #kettlebells #OpenStreetMap #learning #studying #science #coffee, #lowcarb food, #gardening, #FOSS, #RSS #fedi22.

I’m here because I want to learn things and connect with people.

Wondering about my username? In a story by Kipling, Kolokoko Bird advised Elephant’s Child to go find out for himself. I like that sentiment. I am always trying to find stuff out.

Sa Laz

Steven Reed

TC on IRC. Twitter refugee. ← this guy. He/him.

Phil Ashby: :marmite:, UBI now

Aging #Hacker (intern to technical architect via developer, security guy, consultant..).
BT #Wireplay lead designer.
#Space nerd (#FUNcube team).
#Guitarist (bass/acoustic).
#Sailor (yachts).
Identical #Twin.
#Retired & busy with #RetroComputing, #MicroPython, #FlightGear, #FUNcube #HamRadio (M6IPX), #SDR
- ported #Doom to #EMFcamp #Badge.

Pronouns: he/him/oi you!
Maxim: Love thy neighbour - all of you, no exceptions! ❤️
Like stuff? 🍺:



The best stories have badass ladies, found families, and lots of hugs.

Deniz Opal

Game Developer. Innovator. Retro game enthusiast. University Lecturer. Tourist android from the dystopian cyberpunk future. Potty mouthed future architect of our robot overlords.

He/Vulcans. IDIC 🖖

#Selzero #RetroGames #RetroComputers #Coding #GameDev #Innovation #AI #Robotics #XR #Creativity #MovieProducer #StarTrek #SciFi #Humanist #Atheist #Linux #UBI #Science


Brian Hawthorne

Long Covid/PASC/CFS since Oct. 2022.
My brain is different.
I mostly identify as male, but don’t have pronoun preferences.

New English naturalist descended from privileged white European settlers, now living on Pocumtuck and Nipmuc land.
Anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-bigot.

Warning: I post full-length blog posts here.

Header pic: Coastal Plain Pond in SE Massachusetts.
Thumbnail pic: Me on a 1982 Honda Goldwing GL1100 motorcycle, wearing ia reflective safety vest over full gear and holding my helmet under my arm.

Romilly Cocking (RAREblog)

Veteran Digital Maker, lifelong learner and teacher, Programmer since 1958, Linux user since 1992. I love tech, science, music, reading, food and friends. #RaspberryPi #Python #MicroPython #APL

Brian Hawthorne (Backup)

(Backup account)
New English naturalist descended from generations of privileged white European settlers, now living on lands of the Pocumtuck and Nipmuc. Anti-racist, anti-fascist. He/they.