Alun Jones

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Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial.



Living in log cabin in Alaska woods, thinking about life n the world. Spiritual, curious, artistic, photography, vegetarian, independent, always questioning n trying to understand. Interest in causes, planet, global warming, rights, hungry, homeless...
Motorcycles, old cars, old cameras.
Sustainability, gardening n love to cook.
Recently retired early from IT, starting homestead with wife, 3 kids n 2 dogs.
Above all in life, be kind.

Paul Merry Blues (and Rock)

A rock music columnist and journalist on a provincial newspaper, Paul Merry was plucked from obscurity by Beatles PR man Tony Barrow and lured to London in 1970. Paul then cut his teeth in rock PR, writing press releases for such 'Tony Barrow International' clients as Paul McCartney and Wings and the Kinks as well as promoting then unknown bands like Deep Purple, Gentle Giant and Uriah Heap.

From there, Paul Merry went to CBS Records, then the world’s leading record company.

Michael Hanscho


Train driver from Cardiff, Wales with a passion for old computers. Casual Twitch streamer featuring mainly retro games and technology.


Nebraska born, lucky enough to call Minnesota my home. Life long activist and troublemaker. 🏳️‍🌈
#WomensRightsAreHumanRights #BLM #SocialJustice #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #LGBTQAI #Belonging #Liberal #Snowflake #ClimateCrisis #LoveIsLove #NoHumanIsIllegal #AllThingsMarvel

David Broadhurst 🇦🇺

Professor Biosystems Data Science. Director, Centre for Integrative Metabolomics & Computational Biology, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia


UK Radio Amateur #hamradio #wx #digimodes
foundation license passed oct 2020
intermediate license passed november 2020
full license passed feb 2021
interested in mainly low power ditital modes, QRSS, WSPR, FT8/4 and SSTV

Dr William Dunn

I X-ray planets as an Ernest Rutherford Fellow at UCL & coordinate the award-winning Orbyts programme which pairs scientist with schools to support school science research and STEM inclusivity. (He/him). Our new website is


American by choice, Scottish by birth. 
Fussy about the pens and pencils he writes with and the paper he writes on.
Trying to take better photos, read more books, and assemble words into stories;.


Feral historian, recovering journalist, editor, fiddler, native plant gardener, cat mom, lesbian. (Very) minor goddess.

Oh, and I'm crazy for volcanoes.

My posts/boosts are all over the place. I boost A LOT.

Don't want to see my boosts?

#Politics #History #Journalism #TechWriting #IrishTrad #Fiddle #Concertina #Botany #Geology #Maps #Astronomy #Corvids #CatsOfMastodon #ShinyThings #PortlandOregon
#nobot #nosearch


The Original WokStation, also on Twitter as @wokstation, because I am the Original WokStation.

Death by Lambda

I used to be on #GooglePlus
I have never been on Twitter
Now I am here..