Alun Jones

Open on

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial.


Homer S.

Mein Test-Account für GoToSocial

Peter Rowlett

Posting about my life ∩ maths. I teach maths at university in the UK — including modelling, combinatorics, game theory, history, programming — and research university-level mathematics education practice. And I play maths with my son.

I edit @aperiodical with @christianp & @stecks, co-host podcast Mathematical Objects, volunteer for the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications, and do various other things.

#academia #highered #math #maths #mathematics #education #university

Gasper Zejn

Human. Born into 344ppm. Most interested in the energy stuff. (Physics, not some made up things.)


I live in Sir Gaerfyrddin with my wife, our son (some of the time), two spaniels, and the World's loudest Tonkinese cat. I have lost count of our computers.
#raspberrypi #garden #cooking #cactus #photography #Lego

Chris Gerhard :bt:

One time cyclist. Solaris developer, ZFS, mdb.
Forever European 🇪🇺


professional button pusher for your favourite long read company. i write groovy so you don't have to. i did not write samtools. made a nice database in a previous life. tat tinkerer, bug hunter, burger flipper. probably not a cat.

#science #selfies
#bioinformatics #burgers

ishotjr ✨💙✨💗✨

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.


A snail of various interests. Currently running a cloudscale telephony platform for a living.

Justin Skists

Family man that likes the finer things in life, like #retrocomputing, tinkering and a decent ale.

Software engineer by day; asleep by night.


Dog person.

Alfred Chow - Maker of Things

Professional maker, in wood and metal, from miniatures to museum installations. #MakersHour #ActuallyAutistic and a #Carer. He/Him/They #LGBTQI friendly.
Currently building a community workshop in Salford, and writing the story of Harriet Board and Daisy Bell.

Married to @suearcher


Real Name: Jon O’Hare
Stage Name: Dgar - pronounced “Jar”

#𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 liberally
#𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚝 often
#𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 the Fediverse

Thank you for dropping by, I’m so glad you could make it.

May be seen posting: jokes, memes, politics, weird thoughts, music.

I’ll usually try to make you laugh.
I may also send you in another direction.
This account is not one dimensional.

A favourite/like from me simply means "Marked as read"

#Dgar #Dgarhead #Dgarheads