Aaron Bieber qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=



nmeum @nmeum@hachyderm.io

Computer scientist pursuing a PhD degree and occasional contributor to a FOSS project near you. Interested in software security (especially regarding embedded devices), operating systems, and computer architecture.

khm @khm@mastodon.sdf.org

computer nerd at a national lab.

I help out with 9front sometimes.

when I see nazis, conspiracy wingnuts, pedo apologists, or any other repugnant shit, I block the whole instance. no time for that or the people who enable it.

posts here self-destruct within a month or so.

༒ ɐɥɔǝʇɐɯ ʍǝɹpuɐ ༒ @amatecha@merveilles.town

writing a lot of code and dabbling with all sorts of tech; music/audio, electronics, photography, 3d art/modeling, amateur radio… I am interested in pretty much everything

(I will accept almost anyone as follower, just have locked to prevent bots/spam/etc. … request away!)


Gergely Nagy 🐁 @algernon@trunk.mad-scientist.club

A tiny mouse, a hacker | 🏷 #keyboard, #firmware, #WholeLotOfRandomStuff

Dear Facebook: :female_presenting_nipple:

Stéphane de Wit @stephdewit@mamot.fr

Anthk @anthk@paquita.masto.host

Usuario de GNU/Hyperbola Linux. Rock/Electrónica de los 70 y 80.

heph @heph@fosstodon.org

CS Student

virtualroot @virtualroot@bsd.network

💼 DevSecOps / SRE at $HOME

👾 #openbsd #debian #gentoo #kubernetes #coffee #mechanicalkeyboard #leagueoflegends #sociotechnical systems

I was born tired. #Deutsch learner. #ADHDer #CancerSurvivor #InvisibleDisability

🤖 #nobot #noindex #noarchive

λ he/him
TTL 2592000

Paul Kelly @dotpk@bsd.network


Lucas de Sena @seninha@bsd.network

Lucas de Sena, also known as Seninha (pronounced [sẽˈnĩ.ə]) or by his h4x0r name of phillbush, is a mid 20s South American and undergraduate Computer Scientist. He likes birds, hammocks, computers, northeastern Brazilian culture, and philology. He is not related to Ayrton Senna.

foldl@types.pl @foldl@types.pl

ezaquarii @ezaquarii@social.etacassiopeiae.net

Unix - live free() or die()
Software Engineer @ Bloomberg LP
My opinions are my own, yada yada yada.
I'm not into anger olympics.