Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I post here about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #Dogs, #WebDev, #eBikes. But also all and everything I find interesting enough to share! Born and raised in Brazil and now immigrant in the Netherlands.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!




Roq @roq@noc.social

student curious about tech ethics in complex social systems

Joel Wirāmu, Pauling @jwp@cloudisland.nz

Pākehā with a strong Māori bi-cultural upbringing and Identity (Ngati Ngorongo - Taranaki hapu). Engineer, Geek, Psyc/Social researcher, Red hat employee. Always have an opinion, sometimes it's worth something ;-)

Wellington, New Zealand based.

May contain #dog #cat #electronics #linux & #social #psychology

@aenertia on other things

Unless otherwise noted any original media posted here is done so on a CC:BY:SA licence


micahgoulart@mastodon.cloud @micahgoulart@mastodon.cloud

Siona @siona@spore.social

Siona Francesca van Dijk (she β€’ her) β€’ Plural. Fluid. Intersectional. Other.

I practice slow living, appreciate deep listening, and aspire always to be a good animal. I provide warm and nourishing support for other gifted and visionary souls. Grateful, always, to be here. β™‘


Founder & Guide β€’ The Subtle Center β€’ MA, Transpersonal Psychology. MA, Jungian & Archetypal Studies.


#slowliving #deeplistening #gentleteaching #fiercelove #blacklivesmatter

medio pocillo β˜• @mediopocillo@spore.social

Here for the news. | Pendiente a las noticias.
Personal account. | Cuenta personal.

Sorting @Sorting@mastodon.tech

Reto @reto@pleroma.labrat.space

Interested in programming in general (I dabble in go and python mostly) and science (biology / chemistry)

Oh, and if you want to talk about fantasy books of any kind, I'm all ears.


Ícaro Medeiros @icaromedeiros@toot.thoughtworks.com

Brazilian @ Barcelona @ Thoughtworks
Data & AI 🎲🎲🐍
== Scientia Vincere Tenebras ==

ȷď𝐛𝐛 🌳 @jenna@jenna.masto.host


Thiago Arrais @thiagoarrais@hachyderm.io

Professional amateur. Experienced n00b. Programming tinkerer. He/him. Toots in en and pt-br

rodrigo pio @rodrigopio@mstdn.es

In the #Healthcare IT playground for many years now, playing with different platforms, languages (lately mostly #Java, #Kotlin and #Python) and standards (lately mostly #FHIR).
But, once upon a time, I was a camera guy, working with TV commercials, music videos and 3D animation.
I am into technology, arts, healthcare, religion and philosophy, but in the end what I really enjoy is sharing ideas.

Spacetraveller by Spaceships @spacetraveller@mastodon.spacetraveller.com

A travel community created by Spaceships Rentals. It's a big universe, there's always more to explore.

We are all travel addicts, so this is the perfect place to ask questions or advice and to connect with fellow travellers or us.

A fun & friendly travel & road trip community run by a company. We won't post heaps of commercial messages. No worries!

By Space Travellers, for Space Travellers!

#Australia #NewZealand #UK #Europe #USA #TravelBlog #Travel #SpaceshipsRoadTrip πŸ–– #fedi22