Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I post here about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #Dogs, #WebDev, #eBikes. But also all and everything I find interesting enough to share! Born and raised in Brazil and now immigrant in the Netherlands.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!




jlin@fosstodon.org @jlin@fosstodon.org

Eric the Cerise @nattiegoogie@mstdn.io

Just a geek. Y'know ... linux, FOSS, privacy, yada.

An American in Essen, formerly The Hague, formerlier Sopron and formerliest Milwaukee.

So, I recently tooted something that got some traction, and suddenly, everyone wants to follow me. So listen, if I cannot look at your bio and toot history and easily tell you're human, you're not getting approved.

Joshua Barretto @jsbarretto@social.coop

Interested in Rust 🦀, trains & sustainable urbanism 🚇, politics of the left 🌹, gardening 🌻, type systems 🪄, energy policy 🔌, gamedev 🕹️, ecology 🌱. Born at 364 ppm 🌍.

The future is not synthesised in Silicon Valley, it is forged by us all ✊

Raven @YellowRaven@mastodon.online

Hi, it's my new account
Previous: Yellow_Raven @ mastodonapp.uk
Please, sign, again
Let's create interesting community together

Marcus Lundblad @mlundblad@fosstodon.org

Hacking on and maintaining @gnome Maps

Célistine 🏳️‍⚧️ @TheRealProcyon@mastodon.social

studying security researcher CEH (Certified Esthetische Harker), opinions shown are my own, not those of any concern I'm (distantly) affiliated with

palaniraja @palaniraja@mastodon.social

Programmer - Mostly iOS these days (web development in the past and I am still passionate about open web)

Thiago (Zozô) Ozores @ozorest@mastodon.social

🇧🇷 Site Reliability Engineer / Python Enthusiast / Open Source Enthusiast. Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!

Chapelão :Ryyca: @chaps@ursal.zone

Engenheiro de Computação, comunista Marxista-Leninista, bissexual e pai de 2 gatos (Honhon e Lady).

Leiam Lenin :lenin:

Yann DAMIAN @cestpasfaux@pouet.chapril.org

A force de changer de couleur le caméléon a un peu oublié de quel couleur il était à l'origine donc je fais un tas de trucs autour de la technique au sens large ! avec une dominante autour de l'électronique/informatique/dev mais pas que...

Érico Andrei 🇧🇷 :plone: @ericof@pynews.com.br

🧑 Ele/dele
Empreendedor, evangelista de software livre, Juventino.
:python: Fellow da @ThePSF,
:plone: Presidente da @plone Foundation.
Posts aqui são primariamente em #pt-br, e representam apenas minhas opiniões.🖖🏻

Miguel Madrid-Mencía 🦫 @mimame@hachyderm.io

📢 EN | ES | FR

🇪🇸 Born in Spain
🇲🇽 Half Mexican from wife's part
🇫🇷 Working in remote from France

Working activities
🎓 Software Engineer
🧬 Bioinformatician
🔎 Data Analysis
⚙️ DevOps Engineer

🔗 #Zettelkasten
📚 #PKM
🛰️ #DevOps
🪠 #Git

:nix_snowflake_logo: #NixOS
🧬 Helix
🐟 Fish

Programming Languages
:julia_lang: #Julia
⚕️ #Nim
🔮 #Crystal
🦀 #Rust