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I love playing outside, daydreaming, joking and laughing loudly, reading science fiction with a cat on my lap, cooking and eating vegetarian food, geeking out on space and robots, seeing photos of animals and nature, and learning interesting things from my Fedi-friends. Eastern California, USA; she/her


His & Hearse Press

Louise Pachella: Funeral Director, Embalmer, Writer, Death Educator, & Overall Fun Weirdo 🇺🇸
#Bibliophile #WritingCommunity #WritingResource #DeathPositive #LGBTQally #BLM #CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Bookstodon #AmWriting #Bookwyrm 
(Header image: A purple rectangle framing a purple damask rectangle. The center is a purple rectangle with the white logo for His & Hearse Press. Avatar image: an illustration of a white woman with long curly brown hair, smiling slightly, holding a scalpel)


“Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.” - Brian Reed

Graphic Designer in Orlando, Florida, USA | Liberal, Democrat, Atheist | Married to a Czech 🇨🇿 | 8 year old daughter | 3 cats | Travel is everything

Amateur photography is all mine, except boosts and when otherwise indicated. Sometimes I post ads to criticize them.

pat murphy

Just a dude with a family, a dog and the weather. Foodie, music, vintage audio. Still alive, no matter what the song says. Abitibien/Jamésien en exil.

Konfetti 🎉🐳


Originally from Northern Ireland, now retired and living in Spain, an experienced photographer with a large Portfolio of photographic artwork compiled on my travels around the Globe. My photographic artwork is available to buy as prints or displayed on a variety of products through the Fine Art America / Pixels websites.

Walkers are Welcome

Walkers are Welcome is a UK wide initiative launched in 2007 to be ‘welcoming to walkers’. We enable the development of over 100 accredited Towns and Villages members to assist with their communities’ economic, physical, health and mental well-being through walking.

Deborah League

Hi, I'm Deborah. I offer my paintings and photography as art prints & home decor. When I'm not creating, I love spending time with my family & being in nature.

As an Independent artist, I owe the space and time to create to the kind people who purchase my art. Boosts & follows greatly helpful & always appreciated! Copyright notice does not appear on images purchased.

#art #artist #painting #photography #digitalart #fedi22 #dogs #cats #wildlife #travel #nature #beachcomber #AYearForArt

Arty Lass

#introduction Fell running, coffee loving, northern lass. Avid film photographer and sometime sketcher of what I see whilst out and about in the Lake District (and sometimes beyond). #art #photography #sketching #womensart #artist #creativity
All images are©️except boosts

Harold Schmidt

Happily married. Sharing this life journey with my soul mate.
Raised in Fair Lawn, NJ, now So Puget Sound Washington State, via Seattle. PNW. Wagner College, Staten Island, NYC, (BS-Econ) Seattle U (MBA - Accounting). 
Accountant for environmental restoration non-profit.
I try to capture images that most people just drive past without seeing. 
I enjoy Photography, Art & Music
Twitter: @oldredsubby



So, this profile thing... as the people who know me in person will vouch, I'm a very private person (pronouns she/they) who implicitly distrusts that social media are long-term pro-social. Prove me wrong, please. I've seen many platforms come and go, and joined Mastodon when G+ died.


lllustrator, master of sketches, queen of the unfinished: children’s books, monsters, animals, people. // Illustratorin und Zeichnerin aus der Wetterau / Hessen 
she / her
#kleineKunstklasse #illustration #ADHS #ADHD #ironage #Glauberg

Shawn M. Jones, PhD

Cat dad. ISTI Postdoc Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory CCS-3. PhD from Old Dominion University Computer Science. WSDL 4 Life. I passed the Voight-Kampf test. Be careful, the sophons are listening. Boosts mean I think you should see it -- not always an endorsement. #TwitterMigrant


Moved from: @shawnmjones

Interests: #MachineLearning #ML #caturday #WebArchiving #NaturalLanguageProcessing #NLP #WebScience #ComputerVision #SocialMedia #IDIC #DigitalPreservation