Sammy 🐾

Open on

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more.

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.

I post lewd things sometimes, please don’t interact with those if you’re a minor or twice my age, or a straight cis man.



Julia, but more :verified_trans:

Alt account for where I post selfies for only my close circle. Don't feel discouraged if I don't accept your follow, I probably just need to know you a bit better first. I have really bad dysphoria.

#noindex #nobot


posts about feelings sometimes
gender egoist
anarchist weirdo
is an identity crisis

please tell me things directly instead of passively if possible


hi, i'm jade,
- a 19 year old sapphic non-binary transfem wolfy (θΔ)
- a bit of a train and computer nerd (thanks, luna - and april x3)
- part of the raccoons in a trenchcoat.
- previously known as
- ...and generally bad at introducing myself, i'm sorry...

in a relationship with - ily <3

feel free to send a follow request! but add at least a smaller bio and your pronouns tho...



Sturmzauberin, chaotisch-impulsiv, mag auditives. Befehligt eine kleine Armee von Mini-Computern. trans. sie/ihr

Noise Creature :aaaa_trans: :blobfox3c: ‹𝟹

:ProgressivePride: :anartrans_symbol: :queer100:
:heart_aro: :heart_pan: :heart_ace:
:plurality: :disabled_solidarity: :acab:
(please have a bio and be 18+ before rqing to follow)
here to boost and toot things and in-general appreciate various kinds of toots.
(I don't really make my own toots, if that's an issue)
( >25, adult )

Anti. 🐘

★ Es gibt nix Gutes, ausser 😷 toot es
★ Boosted means boss move
★ Weckt mich wenn Revolution ist
★ Alpaca 🦙 Ozelot 🐆 Axolotl 🦎
★ Allen alles
★ Auf allen Spektren

Community mental health: Good listener, been around the block, solid boundaries.
Life is difficult in these times, feel free to ask me for help.

write: D/E/F/ read: Sp/It/Port

#Muskodus #Twexit #LongCovid #UrbanLoveWarrior #TootFinder #FamilyAbolitionist

April @ Iceshrimp

Iceshrimp maintainer
Personal account at

Iceshrimp dev, extremely gay with ADHD and autism mixed in.
White, disabled, a constellation of many creatures- not all persons.
Fem mixed gender disaster currently homegrowning boobs.
I'm involved in the Chaos Computer Club, holding talks, helping make events happen.
🏴 | #Freifunk 🆓

Please be aware I'm a random word generator when tired or distracted, so excuse any nonsense I post

The one with the braid

The one with the braid (she/her)

Lives in France and spends way too much time in Germany.

Does #matrix for work.

"Her OHing breaks end-to-end encryption."

In case you ever pass by Alsace, come over for a cup of tea !

Usually tooting in English, spelling disorder.

Other accounts:

- @lewd: lots of rail content, sometimes lewd trains, open to follow
- @braid: Private account, strict follow policy
- @braid: More cute and positive account, vague follow policy


Owl Liberation Now!

i dont know what i'm doing (he/him)

marchand de plis

Agitation und Propaganda • he/him (keine Präferenz, nur Erfahrungswert)


angry about climate collapse

(any pronouns)


Hiya! I'm a trans, Jewish, ace, vegan, anarchist enby from South Africa living with (h)EDS and OCD ♿. I'm also the worst at usernames -- lib as in (university catch in joke) and not liberal (ew, gross).

Currently working on my maths MSc. I think pro-wrestling is rad, and probably you are too.

Let's be friends!

Wrestling alt: @r