Sammy 🐾

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Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more.

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.

I post lewd things sometimes, please don’t interact with those if you’re a minor or twice my age, or a straight cis man.




πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ve/ver/vis; πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ dey/deren/denen

maverique, ace, bi, AuDHD, mad, blind, fat. language-loving trekkie & indie podcaster: @misfitmediapod [icon says "Delta" in white with a swirly rainbow background.]


Follow requests welcome!

Profile pic: An anime girl with purple hair in pigtails, wearing a black mask on her lower face
Banner: A plush shark spinning on a ceiling fan, with musical instruments in the background

If you like basically any of my posts, I will probably follow you

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in
#Meanjin on unceded Jagera/Turrbal land with my lovely wife and doggo. Justice for all.

I'm a practising
#CyberWitch and a player of the mighty Anglo #concertina.

The Australian Magpie is my spirit animal.

Interests include
#clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #paganism #folkmagic #solarpunk #etymology #archaeology #folkhistory

Kindness is the highest virtue.

I have ME/CFS and Bipolar
#spoonie and those really hinder my ability to be out in the world and socialise, so online socialising means a lot to me, replies are most welcome (though please ask first before being super affectionate )

I'm a shinx!!

My emotes:

HaruEb :boost_ok:

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in #Meanjin on stolen Jagera/Turrbal land. Justice for all. :aboriginal_flat:


Interests include #clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #solarpunk

Kindness is the highest virtue. :adhd_butterfly:

I can also be found at

Haruζ˜₯ :pride_verify: πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Eβ™­πŸŽΆ:fediverse:

Follow requests welcome!

Profile pic: An anime girl with purple hair in pigtails, wearing a black mask on her lower face
Banner: A plush shark spinning on a ceiling fan, with musical instruments in the background

If you like basically any of my posts, I will probably follow you

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in
#Meanjin on unceded Jagera/Turrbal land with my lovely wife and doggo. Justice for all. ​:aboriginal_flat:​

I'm a practising
#CyberWitch and a player of the mighty Anglo #concertina.

The Australian Magpie is my spirit animal.

Interests include
#clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #paganism #folkmagic #solarpunk #etymology #archaeology #folkhistory

Kindness is the highest virtue.
​:adhd_butterfly:​ ​:enby_fire:​

I have ME/CFS and Bipolar
#spoonie and those really hinder my ability to be out in the world and socialise, so online socialising means a lot to me, replies are most welcome (though please ask first before being super affectionate ​:shinx_hug:​ )

My Emotes

I also have a bot that toots all my youtube likes if you want

I have follower requests on, will reject any blank profiles or failed vibe checks

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

#nobot #noindex #nosearch

Janne Mareike Koschinski

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ | Developer of