Sammy 🐾

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Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more.

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.

I post lewd things sometimes, please don’t interact with those if you’re a minor or twice my age, or a straight cis man.



Quing Em van Khaos

badass being, full of life, love & possibilities β€’ femmeby fatale β€’ white β€’ middle class β€’ slut β€’ sexwork for queers&crips β€’ disabled β€’ autistic β€’ πŸ’• @stefshepardrox


22 y/o fuzzy protogen from Austria, he/they

Embedded systems developer, hobby #rustlang developer, #Linux user. #Trains are cool too.

Follow requests welcome!

MOVED TO (Julia :verified_trans:)

Unfunny linux user. Code gremlin. Container addict.

Before you try to follow me, PLEASE HAVE A BIO AND AT LEAST A FEW POSTS! Thank you in advance.

I try to add alt text to all the images and videos that I post, but I may boost content without alt text.

Certified thrall

​:queercatheart_bi:​ ​:queercatheart_trans:​

<script>alert("You should sanitize YOUR html NOW *lowtiergod.jpg*")</script>

Natty Vega :butterfly_lesbian: :lesbian_spin:

Software nerd from the Czech Republic, sometimes a witch. Transbian with ADHD. Kinda Rusty. Housekeeping Foxes are cute.

Please be aware I'm a random word generator when tired or distracted, so excuse any nonsense I post

I have alts at (lewd alt, accepting mutuals from main) and (darker alt, accepting only closer mutuals).

"I don't know if you're a threat to humanity or a genius or both" --
"kindly, what the fuck" --
"who are you and what have you done with rustacean nyatty
​:neofox_knife:​" --

NΓ©o | ネγ‚ͺ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ retro tech & splatoon enthusiast, calculator collector, and occasional virtual machine tinkerer and beginner tool-assisted speedrun creator

:v_bi: :v_trans: :v_enby: :v_gf: :v_pat:


if i do something wrong/say something bad/follow someone problematic/etc, please tell meβ€”i promise im not doing it maliciously!

please yell at me if i forget to CW or add alt text to something!

(can be lewd sometimes, will be CW'd)

additional things:
timezone: utc-5
current # of calculators: 56

keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:

Only send a follow request if you're not on a large instance and believe I could recognize you from an interaction on here or elsewhere. Do not follow me if you sell NFTs.

- kescher/keschi/Jeremy
- cache
I am:
- a software developer / sysadmin
- fluent in German (native) and English
- a catenby :nonbinary_flag: :androgyne_flag:​
- demiromantic :demiromantic_heart:
- panromantic, -sexual :pan_spec_heart:
- white, and thus, privileged in this sense
- using Arch, btw :arch_linux:

All public or unlisted posts on this profile may be cited, embedded, boosted :boost_ok:, or otherwise shared freely if not explicitly disallowed. This permission is revoked if the intent is for me to be harassed.

I will mostly avoid boosting images without description, except when they are fully described in the post itself. Captioning in a reply does not help as much.

Alt text for my avatar: A landing net, surrounded by seasonal themed objects (currently a water ball and a water wave emoji), with a darkened non-binary pride flag as background.

Alt text for my header: The above, but cropped, slightly darkened and without any seasonal theming.

All opinions are those of my employer and boosts are endorsements and financial advice


thank you for choosing maximemelianβ„’: the leading supplier in shitposting related content.

24 year old pan enby involved in MLM (things with Macs, Linux and Mainframes)

kinda cute, kinda quirky. too fem for your favorite femboy subreddit. too hot for tinder. :blobCat_sunglasses:​

music video connaisseur.

switched off birdsite, metasite and discord within one year, mental health has been recovering ever since then...

crypto and techbros can go fuck themselves. you're making it worse for everyone. if you decide to annoy me anyway, i will block you and/or make fun of you. definitely not sorry. :^)

so called influencers unaware of their privileges should also refrain from interacting with me. i just can't help myself understanding your weird mental acrobatics to justify whatever suits you best in this moment. your main character syndrome annoys everyone in public. go away.

feds, especially the police and law enforcement of any kind, will be blocked immediately. your self chosen carrer harms people i care about. you've chosen this path so deal with it.

Can't spell Vippy without eepy

just a silly little gremlin and headpat enthusiast, who goes woof and meow sometimes

22, a lesbian - mostly, #polyam, #trans πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ , also a #furry

currently studying CS in my second semester (help)
in a polycule with @jasmin, @Laripopari, @Emerald_Valkyrja and @Lunyan64

Look At The Sky!
hugs and headpats welcome unless stated otherwise. if you think of a nickname for me just try it out - i'll probably like it :3

(see also: @vipra)

i like πŸ“ a normal amount

sapphic enby
queer as in fuck you
antifa :anarchopunk:
agent of chaos
time witch
full stack mad scientist
some kind of leftist
train enjoyer
shitposter extraordinaire
"minors dni" dni
πŸ“ 196/202 (current replay, i did 202 in 2021)

there's a decent chance this will be ignored but #noindex #nobot #noarchive

heads up: when following you will get an automatic pm from me asking a few questions

Thorn Avery πŸ₯€

she/they please :)

one day ill unlock executive function and then it'll be over for ny'all

Evaluate Em All 1989
I am dumb bitch
410,757,864,530 GB NIX STORE

Xeffy :verified:

they/them | (maybe) SRE, DevOps, or SWE. FOSS enthusiast, #Linux user. πŸ₯ ​:enby:​

​:go_gopher:​ ​:rust:​ ​:nixos:​ ​:archlinux:​ ​:k8s:​

chaos Ξ˜Ξ”& (it/he)

it/he; vessel age 20; non-person plural genderfucky nonbiney dykeboy; transmasc girlthing

other headmates: @foxkid

likes: cooking, cuddling, plushies, being smol, kinky fun, lewd shenaniganary, trains, public transit, lego, fungi, latex, more
dislikes but does anyway: computers (btw i use nixos)
not vegan but tries to be wherever possible

"men DNI" dni

most of us are kids bc trauma and others age regress and autism affects our age and whatever else age stuff
boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

follows good :3

avatar alt: a selfie of our vessel, a white androgenous human body, with hair going over side of face colours going from dark blue to blue to purple to violet purple, thin famed glasses, a black tshirt with some green graphics, in a bedroom
banner alt: a black red cross fox standing on a road