Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir

Open on

some kind of a :9front: developer?



Noam Preil

Self-taught musician, avid reader, runner, #9front-eer, wannabe poet, solarpunker. Was not properly socialized; may bite. Mostly looking for friends; feel free to DM :) [and please do! It gets lonely up in here, even with the head voices doing their best to keep me sane]

Critical acclaim:

be0ba → you disgust me


I write bad bash scripts and draw thick ladies from time to time. I do commissions as well, but it's nothing very formal at the moment

JJ :blobblackcat:

i write code so bad it wraps back around to being good

second year undergrad at ubc studying math/ling/cpsc

ctf with maple bacon

:nim: :rust: :java: :python: :racket: :idris: :blobcatlambdas:



Ian Joyce

Jack Rusher

Former kernel hacker and Bell Labs/AT&T Researcher, currently making art and technology in Berlin.


Retired Java programmer and Linux admin living in Milwaukee. Old-school #ttrpg player (#CastlesAndCrusades), cat servant. I'm also interested in Javanese culture (#gamelan, wayang, dance) and have traveled there many times.


Dude what works on computers, oft wishes he'd been a plumber instead, and will answer to "Tincho."

1% shitposts, 99% boosts.

Paul SomeoneElse

My name is Paul.
I like bands like High on Fire.
I like bicycles but don't ride them anymore.
I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I volunteer for both :)

I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them.
vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.