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Fed up with #thehumanity 's petty problems. I'm now looking for meaning around the Milky Way.

I finally managed to get a job as Dr. Manhattan's PA and part-time blogger.

Writefreely account on Fediverse:
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#linux #fedora #tech #crypto #decentralisation #manga #onepiece #basketball #olympiacosbc #philosophy #buddhism #stoicism #scifi #piracy #blogging #selfhosting #yunohost


King Eric 👑

"My best moment? I have a lot of good moments but the one I prefer is when I kicked this racist. I have one regret. I would have loved to have kicked him even harder"
- Eric Cantona


Μία Περίπου Αλώβητη

Δεν είμαι αυτή. Με μπερδεύετε με κάποια άλλη.


τώρα που πάλιωσα εδώ, μπορώ επιτέλους να ρωτάω τους καινούριους: "τίνος είσαι συ;"


Nick L

So, we'll go no more a roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.


Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality.
Mikhail Bakunin


Software Engineer, with backend experience & some research experience in Machine Learning.

📌 💻 🔭 Tech & science topics:
#machinelearning #datascience #ai #nlp #python #technology #science #research #astrophysics #astronomy #bioinformatics

📌 📚 Some other interests:
#theatre #standup #hiking #history #books #music #cinema #cats

📌 Politics, atheism, etc.:
#criticalthinking #politics #antisexism #antiracism #antifascism #atheism #antireport #ergnews

Sol Lunam

«Ο μαύρος άγγελος θα φτερουγίσει ελεύθερος πια και για πάντα στους κόκκινους ουρανούς της διαρκούς εξέγερσης και στις καρδιές των προλεταρίων».
Σ. Γ. Ν.

I Do Not Exist

I do exist, but sometimes the world treats me as if I do not exist.
Sometimes they just treat me as something that just must work and be efficient.



A retired liberal widower living in a Baptist retirement community (imagine the challenges). Yellow Dog Democrat. Former teacher, travel professional, steel drum player and veteran. Love big band jazz, beach music, golf and a good murder mystery. Don't tolerate fools or racists.