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Fed up with #thehumanity 's petty problems. I'm now looking for meaning around the Milky Way.

I finally managed to get a job as Dr. Manhattan's PA and part-time blogger.

Writefreely account on Fediverse:
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#linux #fedora #tech #crypto #decentralisation #manga #onepiece #basketball #olympiacosbc #philosophy #buddhism #stoicism #scifi #piracy #blogging #selfhosting #yunohost


Xusê Astare


Ο απόλυτος σταρ της Μαστοδονίας

Velocirooster adminensis :bc:

In the middle like a bird without a beak 🐓 Admin of this here instance 🦖 I have no idea what I'm doing 🦣

Alt Text: Avi is the head of a rooster with a velociraptor's face instead of a beak, seen in profile and looking majestic af. The header is a hilariously inaccurate 19th-century woodcut depicting an iguanodon and a megalosaurus as big lumbering quadrapedal lizards biting each other. Neither of them seems bothered by this, in fact they both are sporting big goofy toothy grins.

Kim Possible

Hey, I joined the party! I like #books #art #science #politics learning about anything and everything. Header is my mom's artwork.

Glastonbury based landscape photographer. As part of my daily morning walk I take photographs of the local area. I feel very lucky to live in such a magical place.

Μέγας Φυσιοδίφης

Ακόμα μαθαίνω από τους πιθήκους

Proletarian Rage

Neither Proletarians - Nor Bosses Toots on the ongoing #ClassWar

fungible thadius

I make stupids on the interwebs.
Chaotic good.


Restlessly curious, genuinely witty.

Been in the Fediverse many years and enjoy every minute here. Lots of interests in tech, social, politics.



Η επιστροφή.

Περιπλανώμενος θίασος.