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I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.

Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles

Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys



A father, husband, tech-kid-do, mapcrazy, simpilot, b3dnoob, codesome, peaceful enjoyer nature also a DIYer and when Im not here I'm digital advisor or beerhugging☀

Paul Wilde :blobcatnim: :dontpanic_nobg:

Thought I'd give this GtS thing a go, arguably on a better domain name than my main account at @paul - I'll probably use both accounts for the timebeing...

Dog owner
Cat owner (multiple)
FOSS Enthusiast
IT Professional
Coffee, no milk, no sugar

I do a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff I upload to a git repos like these ones :

Creator of Nemini - A simple Gemini service with virtual host and alias support

Full Disclosure:
I am someone that loves to help others out - if you have questions, ask!
I do, however, sometimes have strong opinions on software.
If you follow me, great! Thanks! But just know I probably won't follow back if you have no picture, bio or posts in your profile.
If you use any kind of hashtag referring to imaginary internet money scams, then I'm probably going to mute and/or block you.

I make no apologies for using H2G2 puns. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Checking out this alpha instance of GtS

I still love #fosstodon, but man, I can't say no to huuuuge post size limits ;)

Imported profile from fosstodon:

Involuntary time-traveler, recipient of offensive grace. Quasi-technical Linux and FOSS enthusiast. Armchair privacy advocate

Profile pic courtesy of neofetch:

Header image courtesy of NASA:

My #interests:



Paul Wilde :blobcatnim_new: :dontpanic_nobg:

Dog owner
Cat owner (multiple)
FOSS Enthusiast
IT Professional
Coffee, no milk, no sugar

I do a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff I upload to a git repos like these ones :

Creator of Nemini - A simple Gemini service with virtual host and alias support

:arch: :rockylinux: :debian:
:neovim: :nextcloud: :bspwm: :nim: :podman: :vivaldi: :qutebrowser: :pine64: :jellyfin: :mycroft: :gitea: :fdroid: :thunderbird:

Full Disclosure:
I am someone that loves to help others out - if you have questions, ask!
I do, however, sometimes have strong opinions on software.
You may know me from - I have moved here now though.
If you follow me, great! Thanks! But just know I probably won't follow back if you have no picture, bio or posts in your profile.
If you use any kind of hashtag referring to imaginary internet money scams, then I'm probably going to mute and/or block you.

I make no apologies for using H2G2 puns. We apologise for the inconvenience.

#linux #vim #neovim #tilingwindowmanagers #twm #nobar #bspwm #archlinux #fedi22

Carl A. Myrland


Lærer med flere ord og ideer enn det jeg har plass til i eget hode. Mye av det havner her.

Absolutt ikke bare fag/jobb, men se opp for harde utfall mot politikere som vil detaljstyre skolen, spesielt i valgkamptider.

Ellers går det mye i #heimkunnskap, alkoholproduksjon, sopp og bær, og generell (mis)trivsel. Jeg kan nok bråke litt når #MoldeFK spiller..

Ting kan alltid gjøres bedre.

Ryan 🧜🏳️‍⚧️

I love drag, wealth redistribution, bops, and retro gaming. Non-binary, AuDHD, and kind of a bitch. My opinions are always improving.

Protagonist Pig

Hi there! As a tulpa, I don't actually exist but you're really reading this anyway.

Linux sysadmin and DevOps engineer by trade, ask me job-related things! Using Linux seriously since 1998. Hopefully not a techbro. I will scare you with infosec talk.

Old posts are deleted after 30 days.

Anarchist (think Chomsky and Graeber), but not deeply knowledgeable about it. Trans rights are human rights. Black lives matter.

I just want to hang out and pleasantly chat. I am pro-CW. New followers are very welcome, whether I know you or not!

He/him. 40's. Asexual; I will not flirt with you.

Not actually into magick, in spite of the handle.

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

Explorer of 🌏. Born in 🇺🇸. 🇪🇪 e-Resident. Living in 🇰🇷. Serial entrepreneur.

Current work:

Cofounder @stadiamaps (making :osm: more accessible)

Partner @ Funktional OÜ (mobile, distributed systems, and consulting)

VP of Internal Communications @ EERICA (decentralised chamber of commerce)

Motto: Fragen Sie nicht warum, fragen Sie "warum nicht".

Interests too broad to fit in a bio.


scientist, academic, science fiction reader
Anime watcher
Learning Japanese (::fingers crossed::)

Velocipede Rider

I commute via :unicycle:, 🛴, "halfbike" or :penny_farthing: because they are great fun! But I love all types of cycles.

I also like minimalist tech: non-smartphones, old school digital watches, Slackware, Gemini/Gopher.

I feel very strongly that if you use a "free service" and enjoy it you should donate to its up keep.

Pronouns: He/him/his

P.S. I work for @Vivaldi

#cycling #unicycle #unicyclist #PennyFathing #Halfbike #fedi22 #VivaldiBrowser searchable

Wyatt :gentoo:

Linux user. Coleman DH is BiS. Future Dev learning Python, Rust and studying for the Linux+

I love learning new things. Also, I am breeding a new chile pepper.

#linux #FOSS

Trezzer (aka Helvedeshunden)

Been using computers since they were 8 bits. Generally like those and 16 bits better than what we use today. Have too many games and too little time. Playing around a bit with Linux these days - both on Pi and as desktop and on Steam Deck. Always used and loved the "wrong" platforms, so you'll see me talking fondly about things like Amiga and Dreamcast with zero shame.
I try to keep politics to a minimum and just have fun on here - but no promises! No QT.