Stanisław Małolepszy

Open on

I make small 3D games, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people call me as Staś.



Simone or /^syx.*$/

Dev in the morning rollerblader after 5pm, sporadically a computer science enthusiast. Sometimes I build pointless things and I damn like it 🆗?

Eemeli Aro

Plotting to save the world via open source and science fiction.

Michał Łazowik

CTO at

Michał Łazowik

Dan Callahan

I like computers.
Building serverside WebAssembly at Suborbital.
Former Eng. Mgr. at Element (2020-2022)
Former DevRel at Mozilla (2012-2020)

Beetroot Paul

🎨 pixel art · 🔉 chiptune · 👾 game dev

Sam Vargas

Full-Stack Software Engineer at

Away from hacking at my keyboard you'll find me #hiking, #surfing, doing #Pilates, #cycling, #foraging, #cooking, #gardening, #learning #randomfact s. Passionate about #sustainability and #SustainableFoodProduction.

Ex merchant navy officer on-board polar oceanographic research ships

#English / #Portugues / #Francais / #Esperanto

#a11y #accessibility #DesignSystems #UX #wedev #frontend #backend #fullstack

All views are my own

Lenz Weber-Tronic

Senior FullStack Developer and Redux Toolkit maintainer.
#typescript #redux #react

Gordon P. Hemsley

Data Engineer. Software Engineer. Recovering Linguist. Government and Law Enthusiast.

Currently @LexisHealthCare. Formerly @govtrack, @UDelaware.



I'm Joey! I do art and lots of computer things!
Senior Graphics Engineer at RiotGames
Opinions are my own!

Paul Adenot

Noise maker maker maker at Mozilla