technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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this is my more tech-focused alt account I run out of my home; my main account is @technomancy

I also use this as a test ground for patches to gotosocial including a weird lua-based plugin system


R West

Create… Daily.

Jorma Karvonen

Suunnistusta harrastava eläkeläinen, entinen IT-ammattilainen. Profiilikuva: Copyright 2022 Tilda Andersson


PL/compilers, Haskell, C, Rust, 🚴‍♂️

blobby tables

likes trains.
fascinated by railway signalling.
overengineering a model railway in N gauge.
learning circuit board design

Nick Parker

Software developer @teamzetetic @sqlcipher


Lawyer-turned-programmer with an interest in web development, open source, and making things as simple as possible.

Math You Lie On

Artist | Composer | Hacker | Parent | Malcontent

I have a late diagnosis for #ADHD & #CPTSD

I work in software doing human-oriented architecture

I am artistically preoccupied with cycles of pattern-making and decay

I don't retoot uspol/etc w/o content warnings

Daniel Glauser

Software, AI, photography, cooking, travel, and outdoor sports

Matt Kelly

Tassilo Horn

Free software hacker, Emacs addict, hobbyist beekeeper, and chicken farmer

Keith (karmajunkie)

Software engineer in Austin TX (working mainly in Elixir, formerly Ruby). Married, 2.5 kids, dog and a cat.

You may see me around elsewhere on the net under the handle karmajunkie. I'm also the admin and founder of this instance.

I started to have an instance for #austin and people who like being in Austin, including our neighbors in Central TX.

Mark Watson

Author 20+ books, mostly on AI, LLMs, deep learning, semantic web, Lisp. 50+ patents. My books are free to read (or buy DRM free copies) online