technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

Open on

this is my more tech-focused alt account I run out of my home; my main account is @technomancy

I also use this as a test ground for patches to gotosocial including a weird lua-based plugin system


slut respecter

cops dni

Mark Shane Hayden

Proprietor of, Python wrangler, tech tinkerer, advocate for a free and open society 🇨🇦

NOTE: I have locked follows on my account to prevent bad actors from taking advantage. Feel free to request a follow. If your bio is filled out and the instance you are on is reputable I will gladly approve your request!

Header photo from CC-BY-SA

Christa :bigender_flag:

AMAB bigender lesbian, out to myself since 2019. Not always a girl, but I am when I'm here.

She/her, married and monogamous, white, Canadian, older than you.

Likes hacking and cute shoes.

Alt: @christa


Jessica Phoenix Canady

Still migrating my account, but I'm a transfemme tech dork; I play with keyboards both musical and the ones what make letters; I love my kids; and there's probably other interesting stuff about me.


queer, interested in software, politics, games

attempts anticapitalist, antiracist, antifascist. anxiously shitposting. eminently mutable

boosts are ok for public, unlisted

potential block universe believer. friend to spiders. more kiki but I have my bouba moments
#exCult #maskUp

:verified_diamoric: :flag_toric: :voidpunk_flag: ❔

Jessica Canady

Transfemme tech leader in Columbus, OH.

Started as a PHP (then Rails) coder and spent 11 years building CoverMyMeds from concept to 1.4B acquisition. Now I'm building and investing in startups and/or being a giant dork. They sometimes overlap.

Still a tech dork at heart, a parent of two boys, and an amateur poker and synth player. Not bad at shooting pool for someone with monocular vision.

- 站点不太稳定,有的消息可能接收不到

- 不会通过看起来像是机器人的账号的关注请求

- Also me:,


Mathieu Legrand

Systems architect and technology nerd.

#hamradio #amateurRadio #cissp

French living in Singapore.



Human being interested in way too many things.

On a perfect day I'm hacking on free software, reading in a comfy chair, taking a walk in a forest or having a nap.

Puzzled by our western society. Questioning my own biases & privileges. Humans > Capital.


I'm a software engineer from Kyiv, Ukraine.

I enjoy dabbling in software engineering technologies, photography and cycling.

If you're reading this and you support Russia, fuck you.

@erasmas posts in English
@kobza shit posts in Ukrainian
