Daisybrain EricIndiana@mastodon.social

Open on mastodon.social

A complex colony of sentient matter. Writer of books. Typer of keys. Links: https://linktr.ee/EricIndiana *** Author of OCD-Free by Eric Gordon, Monstermon Cards & Father-Son Cookbook: a 25 Year Correspondence *** #intersectionality #BLM #nonviolence #progressive #comedy #comedywriter #amwriting #blogger #ocd #mentalhealth #startrek #doctorwho #hireme te/ter

Profile pic is my design of a heart inside a peace sign. I call it "Heart of Peace"; banner says "violence, in all forms, in the enemy".


Aaron @aaron@chirp.zadzmo.org

I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user; Map Nerd; NAFO Fella

I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.

Profile photo: detail of a fern's fiddlehead - a bright green new leaf still coiled up into a tiny fractal ball.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.