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Exploring, failing, backtracking, just to identify the only viable path forward. And then scarred, stumbling forward into the future. Learning.

Boring and steady. Knowing little and questioning a lot. Mostly harmless.


This is an experimental scrapbook space. A collection of stuff I want to keep in a form somewhere on the spectrum between a blog and a shoe-box full of scraps, cut-outs, quotes, links and reading notes and sometimes my own silly thoughts about them.

Perhaps it might be of marginal interest to others too, but I don't care that much.



Husband, and father of a 4 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University data-center in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


Currently investigating my ND traits that I have been consciously/subconsciously masking most of my life.
ND account
(maybe) #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD