Kat ♾️ KatM@mastodon.social

Open on mastodon.social

#Seattle based #Writer. #Designer. #Photographer. 
#Kayaker. #Runner. #Humanitarian.

Co-owner of a successful #marketing and #communications company.

#CareerCoach #Entrepreneurship #Coach and #Startup Advisor

Certified Technical Communications Professional
Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE)

Former #nonprofit executive and fundraiser. Current nonprofit board member and Chair. Former executive recruiter.

Member of the Intl Coaching Federation and Nat’l Writers Union


ballpointcarrot @ballpointcarrot@fedi.bpc.wtf

Building developer tools at Flexport. formerly Stedi, AWS; Puzzle addict, Choral tenor, and teller of terrible puns. 時々日本語を喋る。