Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



Hi, I'm Charles Childers.

I develop RetroForth, Konilo, small virtual machines, and a variety of small, personal computing tools. When not programming, I enjoy tea, reading books, riding a bicycle, and cooking.


I self-describe as a "mad artist." I engage in what others may describe as the impossible. Logic and sense are discarded when they do not serve my goal.

I'm ace and aro.

I am agender, but I'm lazy and not particularly compelled to work hard at gender when it means so little to me. I present as male out of convenience.

Avatar by @DrSagan -- It's a cat with a beard in the colors of candied yams.

Andy C

Drug crazed zombie caked in flour.

Rae K

Web dev, sci-fi fan, blue-haired, feminist. Queer and genderqueer. I like vampires and terrible things happening in cold places.

For c-media fandom, see

Header image by

Kenneth John Bardsley

82 year old rejoiner. Father of 5. M.I.ET. & M.C.I.M. Brexit was evil in intention & application #FBPE. #GTTO. #LetsTryUBI. #WeOwnIt

Andreas Gohr

Blogger, open source developer, maker, human from Berlin.



#opensource, development of people and software, webdeveloper, #ict4d, linux, ubuntu, geek, travels, opendata, security, privacy, pgp, rapid response @greenhost started here in april 2017 as

Apologies in advance for the dumb things I say. I lack the environment that tells me how stupid my ideas are before I put them out into the world

Daryl Sun

She/Her. I play with software and videogames. Sometimes I write things.

Avatar by KROU_GEN on Twitter.
Header by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash.

Find me elsewhere at!

#Writing #FandomCulture #TransformativeWorks #Privacy #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware #FOSS #FLOSS #SoftwareFreedom #Decentralization #Fediverse #InternetFreedom #IndieWeb #OpenWeb #DigitalRights #DRMfree #FreeCulture #FreeGaming #LibreGames #HumaneTech #EthicalTech #Minimalism #fedi22 #nobot

Les capsules du prof Lutz

(pata)physicien technophile apostat enseignant; cut and paste programmer; papa trois fois; activiste violoncelliste ébéniste #Qc #AtomicSynchronator #timecode #Drummondville #ClimatePurge

:projetstodon: Shalien

🇫🇷 Moi c'est @shalien Adminsitrateur d'instance Masotodon et passionné d'informatique

Généralement entrain de bricoler un logiciel par si, par là ou d'écrire un peu .

🇺🇸 Hello, I'm @shalien (they/them) , Administrator of the mastodon instance and general nerd !