Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Devine Lu Linvega

It’s always night under the ultraviolet sun.

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.


Writer type. Educator & translator, based in Prague, Czech Republic. Born in Britain. Irish citizen. photo:


Interested in music instruments, software and hardware. Making effect pedals. Running a pedal shop in Berlin, DE.

Viceroy McCoy

1st-year Physician Associate, lifelong learner, and sometime creator. Love my partner, cat, good food, traveling, and memes. Most of my free time is taken up by video games, television, tennis, and basketball. I also make some art, write some words, and take some photos.

#AtlantaHawks 🪶🏀 fanatic. Nature snob. Science geek. Proud activist and ally.

Trans lives matter
BIPOC matter
Women matter
Equity is the answer, intersectionality is the lens.

This is my "fun" account, but I may share content related to medicine/healthcare. Views are my own. If you're interested in following my other fediverse accounts, check the links below. Glad you stopped by!

Hashtags for engagement:
#healthcare #medicine #science #liberal #equity #environmentalism #nature #videogames #humanities #cinema #art #photography #writing #tennis #basketball #hiking #weightlifting #cats #dogs

Karl T.

I started using GNU #Emacs 18.24 in 1987 or so, at UC Berkeley on SunOS 3.2. I've never been a hardcore elisp hacker, but I have tinkered here and there. I have an abiding fondness for #OrgMode, and use it whenever I get the chance.

My machines these days run #Debian, #VoidLinux, #OpenBSD, and #FreeBSD. I do most of my "playful programming" on an ancient #ThinkPad T60.

Berkeley was also where I learned #TclTk, which I still use as my scripting language of choice.

Arne Babenhauserheide

#TTRPG, #Filk and #FreeSoftware. Physicist by training, PhD in climate science, software developer by trade. I write German and English, as #freeculture by idealism.

Ich schreibe Rollenspiele auf und Software und Verschiedenes auf

Hier bin ich auf Infrastruktur, die von Rollenspiele Spielenden für Rollenspiele Spielende gepflegt wird, mit der ich auch in Kontakt zu anderen bleiben kann. Ich mag das. Danke!

same as it ever was

I'm Daniel, I've been involved with activism for most of my life, and I have a life-long interest in the intersection of technology and class/privilege.

Parent to four kids, oldest of which is now at University (which is astonishing as I'm still only 25...)

I love reading, and try to post about books I love, which are usually Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Been on fedi since 2011. Mastodon since Apr 2017.


perpetually waiting for the Muppets to do Jane Eyre


Brilliant. Stupid. Awesome.
Pick two.

:socialiststar: 🛠️ :socialiststar:
He | Him | Comrade

Likely Jan Lukas

Just a guy (he/him). Interested in stuff. MEd research in #BirthCertificates; PhD (in progress) looking at #DigitalPersonhood.
Prior research:
Everything you've wanted to know about #Alberta #BirthCertificates (without having to do your own research!), The Question Concerning Identification: A Tetradic Analysis of the Alberta Birth Certificate: #VitalStats #CivilRegistration #HumanRights


Dude / Queer / Geek

Advocate for free culture creative works and the liberation of all people from surveillance capitalism.