
Open on

Also dog friend, fedinerd, photographer, musician, plant & nature obsessed and lawyer type.



Art & music



An American in Texas. Schooled in the geological sciences but ended up on another path. Have worked in the human spaceflight business for 34+ years. #Photography and #gardening in my spare time. 
#Orion #Artemis #Fossils #Geology #NASA
Travels: 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇹🇻🇦 🇨🇿 🇦🇹 🇩🇪 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇳🇱 🇦🇼 and 🇵🇹 (unintentionally).


my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying sleepy 22 year old

Usually knitting, crocheting or reading. Or all of the above at once.

previously &

admin for & (rip)

Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson


Be excellent to each other.

Except for #Fascists. They can get fucked.

If you aren't a #Nazi but I annoy you, you can mute my #Boosts

"Help grow your #local #bee & #Butterflies polulation"

Make Punching Nazis Cool Again


"The Resistance Will Be Federated"

🙏 Take my Stuff (Original posts CC-BY-SA 4.0)



Also at @SrRochardBunson on #Calckey

No TERFs or astroturf


Film & digital #photographer, mediocre #bass player, grower of rare #plants, interested in #botany & #nature, pro-level procrastinator.

Professionally involved in financial services & capital markets #regulation & #compliance. Brexiled, now in Frankfurt. Toots DE/EN.


Film & digital #photographer, mediocre #bass player, grower of rare #plants, interested in #botany & #nature, pro-level procrastinator.

Professionally involved in financial services & capital markets #regulation & #compliance. Brexiled, now in Frankfurt.

GoToSocial test account. Posts DE/EN.


Vulgar woman

"I may be on the side of the angels, but don't for one second think that I am one of them" - Sherlock

#NoSearch #NoBot

South Africa

Cosmically Funny

Cosmo (Ew/Yuck): Bane of Therapists

Content warning: If you are offended by anything, don't follow me.

Federally funded certified schizophrenic.

ADHD and persistent anxiety.

EDS and lupus spoonie.

Human housecat.

Rocket surgeon.

Cheese goblin.

Adults only.

I am absolutely not responsible.

Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 I'm a lifelong liberal;
Friend of #underdogs and #undercats;
Ally of #LGBTQIA+ and #BLM;
Bathe at least weekly;
Dad taught me how to construct #DadJokes;
Self-described #OkayBoomer;
Opinions here are usually borrowed;
Typos are my own;
My humor punches up at fascists;
If "droll" describes you and you're up
for a #GeneralStrike, sit next to me.
Enough #Linux Chi to mess up a desktop PC and then need help fixing it.
#Mlems and #Bleps make my life worth living.
Phil is my proper noun.🥥




"Jack of all trades, master of none"

Just a regular koala.

Knows a little bit of gardening, Linux, programming, sysadmin, networking, photographing and Chinese language.

Curious most of the time.

"I just really like foxes, OK?"

#fox #foxes #koala #sleep #linux #gardening

SvenTetzlaff (翁 辞文)

I am an author, editor-in-chief and photographer in Hangzhou/Hong Kong. Originally from Rostock, I have been living in Asia with my family since 2005.

In the podcasts I report on everyday life in Asia, give travel tips, background information and tell unusual and previously unheard stories from Asia.

UAO = Umlauts are Overestimated (2 mntl.)
UD = China Tagebuch (weekly)
Malatang (in hiatus)
Major Li = Cosy Crime (closed).

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No Häschtägs - I am an insider tip