d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


ADV2023 @adv2023@kolektiva.social

Devine Lu Linvega @neauoire@merveilles.town

It’s always night under the ultraviolet sun.

jonny @jonny@social.coop

rawdog meatspace cooperator eating digital vegetal. systems/neuro & digital infrastructure for information liberation by day, p2p and broken shit by night and also by day. lookin 2 eat the rich n abolish intellectual property.

This is my personal account, for more science/academic oriented things i use https://neuromatch.social/@jonny

please have bio or introduction post or otherwise be recognizable to me when requesting :)


Vita @anthropologist@mastodon.social

Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London. Political anthropologist. Co-convenor of Anthropology of Surveillance Network.

tobbsn @tobbsn@scholar.social

#mediaStudies #digitalLabour #ideology #infrastructure

having an account just to separate my academic stuff sometimes feels weird; main on lurk

Media Economies Design Lab @medlab@social.medlab.host

Exploring pathways for democratic ownership and governance in the online economy at the University of Colorado Boulder, directed by @ntnsndr.

Radical Anthropology @RadicalAnthro@c.im

London's longest running evening class, studying What it means to be human at UCL Anthropology dept. We are FREE, on Tues eves term time. Account run by Camilla Power. Radical anthropologists include Chris Knight, Ian Watts, Jerome Lewis and Morna Finnegan
#anthropology #socialanthropology #evolutionaryanthropology #archaeology

New term starts Sept 19

Vimeo collection of previous talks

Artist: Diego Rodriguez-Robredo

felix stalder @festal@tldr.nettime.org

Researcher, teacher, and activist. Born at 324 PPM. Binary, so you don't have to be.

Tod Robbins @todrobbins@social.coop

Great Basin yeehaw; no YIMBYs on stolen land! (he/him)

John :hacker_b: @jboy@post.lurk.org

educator. sociologist. programmer. lurker.

“Look at the mustard on my face, but listen to my words!” —Britta Perry

“Sometimes this mustard feeling clutches me also.” —Barbara Guest

(Moved here from @jboy. Academic stuff mostly via @d12n.)

varia @varia@gts.varia.zone

varia is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As varia members, we maintain and facilitate a collective infrastructure from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. varia figures things out as they go, tries to keep notes, is multilingual, has open hours and can be contacted at info[@]varia.zone.

Netopia EU @netopia@eupolicy.social

Web publication & idea forum based in Brussels, discussing the future of the internet from a broad perspective on society's digital evolution. / Also @ https://twitter.com/NetopiaEu