d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


EngagingSTSjournal @ESTSjournal@mastodon.world

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) is the flagship open access journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Since its establishment in 2014, ESTS has become recognized as one of the premiere scholarly publications in STS internationally, constituting one of the most visible and increasingly important ways that 4S contributes to the STS community.

Transnational | Experimental | Pedagogy | Publishing Infrastructure
Multimodal | Research Data | Longform | Shortform

Mathieu Jacomy @jacomyma@mas.to

Digital tools + social sciences + design at the Tantlab in Copenhagen. Co-creator of Gephi & Hyphe.

Kat Tiidenberg @ktiidenberg@aoir.social

Professor of Participatory Culture at Tallinn University, this year also Professor II at University of Oslo. Social media researcher into visual culture, sexual practices, platform governance and research methods. https://katrin-tiidenberg.com/

Nik (Nicholas) John @nik@aoir.social

Assoc. Prof. at the Dept of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. VP of #AoIR. I study the #internet, especially #unfriending and #sharing (but not so much the latter these days). I #drum a bit. I'm a big fan of #democracy.

JDSR Journal @jdsr@sciences.social

Giselinde @Giselinde@sciences.social

Professor of Sociology @KU_Leuven
Studies beauty, humor and other frivolous things with serious consequences.
Toots in English en in het Nederlands.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot) @xot@scholar.social

Visiting Professor Karlstad University. Associate professor privacy enhancing protocols and privacy by design at Radboud University Nijmegen. IT in the context of the law at University of Groningen. Privacy Engineering Boffin.

Author of "Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design."MIT Press, October 2021. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/privacy-hard-and-seven-other-myths

Benjamin Geer @benjamingeer@zirk.us

Software developer and ex-academic (#sociology, conceptual #history, cognitive #linguistics, #Arabic culture, #DigitalHumanities). I like connecting with people around the world and sharing knowledge. EN/FR/AR/DE/IT


Tondauer (open-access, open-source critical #music editions): https://tondauer.art/

Kawkabna (Arabic podcast on the #environment, #migration, and #inequality): https://www.kawkabna.net/

Antoine McGrath @AntoineMcGrath@mastodon.social

Needs of the vulnerable before the wants of the majority. Former builder at Internet Archive & CRSReports.com

juurd @juurd@indieweb.social

Juurd Eijsvoogel, Media reporter @nrc.
Previously: correspondent Berlin, Washington, International Relations editor.

lekr @lekker@mastodon.antisocial.science

Freedom is not free,捍卫须着力。以此为础基,Loop dan naar het licht

matthijsHH @matthijsHH@akademienl.social